  • 总算理解新员工入职办公室英语对话

    [图片0] 一个人练英语口语怎么练有效?没有陪练,更没有外国人,也没有英语语言环境,也没很多时间的,白天要上班,没有时间去参加什么培训班,英语角等等,更不用说出国了,那怎样利用现有的资源练好口语呢?要相信勤能补拙,汉普森英语小编为您整理新员工入职办公室英语对话,帮助您扩充英语知识储备,英语脱口而出。

    David: Good morning, Sam. You're here early. I thought I would be the first to arrive at the office. 大卫:山姆,早上好。你来得真早。我还以为自己是第一个到办公室的呢。
    Sam: Good morning, David. I usually come about fifteen minutes earlier, and then I have enough time to prepare for a new day's work. 山姆:大卫,早上好。我习惯提前15分钟到,这样我就有充足的时间准备新一天的工作。
    David: Working in a bank is a new beginning for me. Would you mind giving me advice with regard to work? 大卫:银行工作对我而言是一个新的开始。你能给我一些工作上的建议吗?
    Sam: Sure. Allan said you should work with me for a period of time. 山姆:好的。艾伦让你先跟我工作一段时间。
    David: I believe I can learn a lot from you .What am I going to do today? 大卫:我想我可以跟你学到很多东西。今天我将要做什么呢?
    Sam: Today you will be responsible for talking with visitors. If you have any questions, please ask me. 山姆:今天你就负责接待来访者吧。如果有什么问题就来问我。 David: Ok.