  • 总算认识外币兑换的英文


    Customer:Excuse me. Is this the exchanging counter? 顾客:打扰一下,请问这个柜台可以兑换外币吗?
    David:Yes, it is. What can I do for you? 大卫:是的,我能为你做些什么吗?
    Customer:I want to exchange some dollars for RMB. What's the exchange rate of RMB to the dollar? 顾客:我想将美元换成人民币。人民币与美元的汇率是多少?
    David:It's RMB yuan to one dollar. 大卫:是元人民币兑换,美元。
    Customer:It's the same as two weeks ago. 顾客:这跟两个星期前一样。
    David:That's right. The exchange rate here has been quite stable though it's subject to alteration. 大卫:是的。兑换率虽可能改变,但在一段时间内已经相当稳定了。
    Customer:I see. Here is the memo filled out. 顾客:1 000美元,这是填好的兑换水单。
    David:Good. Please show your passport or ID card. 大卫:好的。请你出示你的护照或者身份证。
    Customer:Here is my passport and the 1,000 dollar note. 顾客:这是我的护照和1 000美元。
    David:A moment please. Your 1,000 dollars is changed into RMB 6,500 yuan, Please check them. 大卫:请稍等。你的1 000美元可兑换成6 500元人民币,请你核对。
    Customer:No mistake. 顾客:没有错。
    David:Here are yourpassport and the exchange memo. Please keep this memo safe. You will need it to convert any money you have left when you leave China. 大卫:给你护照和兑换水单。请保存好这张水单。你在离开中国时,需要兑换余下的外汇兑换券时它也许有用。 以上就是外币兑换的英文,学英语,外教面对面,学得一口地道英语,汉普森英语帮您个性化定制学习英语口语,为您量身定制课程学习计划,提高学习效率。