  • 终于明了写简历英语对话


    Bertha: What are you doing here? Look at your knotted forehead. Cheney: Sweetie, stop kidding me.
    Bertha: Well. What's wrong with you? What's behind you? Cheney: When thinking of the idea of writing my resume. I feel worried to know what to do next.
    Bertha: There is no need to do like this. We can surf the Net and find sonic templates for resumes. That will he done. Cheney: Sounds good. I will do it in a jiffy. OK! Let's put our heads together.
    贝莎:你在做什么?看你皱着眉头。 切尼:甜心,别开我玩笑了。
    贝莎:好吧,那你到底是怎么了?你心里怎么想的? 切尼:一想到要写简历,我就一筹莫展。
    贝莎:根本没有必要那样,我们可以在网上搜索有关简历的各种模板。一切就可搞定。 切尼:听起来不错。我马上去做。好的,让我们集思广益。 对话采用“沟通型”语言学习方法,活泼有趣的英语口语交流以及观点展示能使您将学习要点用于语言实践。国际英语提醒大家多练才能有效提升口语能力,接下来继续练习写简历英语对话。
    (Cheney and Bertha encounters Ryan on the way to the Internet Bar. )
    Cheney: I Ii, Ryan, not imagine meeting you here. I-low's everything about your resume? Ryan: Well, I've found some templates for resumes. If we could seek for some useful expressions. that would he perfect.
    Bertha: You're really something. And we still can find some helpful suggestions by some experts. Then we can do it well. Cheney: It's too good to be true.
    切尼:嗨!莱恩,没想到会在这里碰到你。你的简历弄得如何了? 莱恩:还好,我找了一些简历的模板。如果我们能找到一些有用的表达方式,那就很完美了。
    贝莎:你的确有一套。我们还可以从一些专家那里得到一些有用的建议。那样我们就可以搞定简历了。 切尼:太好了。