  • 总算清楚吃饭英语对话


    Cheney: once leaving our college, I never felt the three meals a day turn to be a big you know, we were never worried about this before. We could enjoy the delicious food whenever we wanted. However, now it is so critical a problem. Ryan: You are right. I never considered this before. as I know food is easy to get whenever I was starving. And we never needed to wash dishes after dinner. Now everything depends on ourselves. Bertha: I think it can't be a problem. During working day, we can have lunch in our companies. Breakfast and supper are our problems to discuss now. Cheney: How about eating out? Ryan: You mean everyday? Every meal? That's impossible. Bertha: Yes, we can not afford that. I suppose we can buy some cookers and cook by ourselves. What do you think about this? Cheney: Sounds reasonable, but I am not good at cooking. Ryan: Me neither. Bertha: You two guys. My mother teaches me how to cook when I am at home on holidays. So I can teach you how to cook. Cheney: Woo! Maybe you are right. We need to learn many things. Ryan: I agree with both of you. We can take turns one by one to deal with the problem. Bertha: That's the deal. Now we need to buy cookers in that supermarket near our flat. 尼:以前在学校的时候,我从来没觉得一日三餐会成为大问题。你们也知道,以前我们从来不用担心这个。我们随时都可以吃到美餐。但是,吃饭现在成了一个迫在眉睫的问题。 恩:你说得对。我以前也从不担心吃饭问题,因为我知道只要我饿了,食物很容易吃到。而且我们吃完饭还不用洗碗。现在一切都要靠我们自己了。 贝莎:我觉得这不是什么问题。工作日的时候。我们可以在公司解决午餐。我们需要讨论一的是早餐和晚餐。 切尼:出去吃怎么样? 莱恩:你是说每天?每顿饭?那是绝不可能的。 贝莎:是啊,我们负担不起。我觉得我们可以买一些餐具,自己做饭吃。你们认为怎么样? 切尼:听起来有道理,但是我不会做饭。 莱恩:我也是。 贝莎:你们这两个家伙!以前放假在家的时候,妈妈教过我做饭,现在我可以教你们。 切尼:哦。也许你是对的。我们需要学很多东西。 莱恩:你们俩说得对。我们可以轮流来做饭,这个问题就解决了。 贝莎:好,一言为定。现在我们去公寓附近的超市买餐具吧。 英语口语对话采用“沟通型”语言学习方法,活泼有趣的英语口语交流以及观点展示能使您将学习要点用于语言实践。国际英语提醒大家多练才能有效提升口语能力,接下来继续练习吃饭英语对话。 Mary:Bertha. it is lunch time now. Shall we go to the dining room now? Bertha: Well, let's go. (Bertha, Mary and Susan enter into the dining hall and get plates, knives and spoons. ) Susan:Bertha, this is our dining room. You can choose what you want from these plates. Bertha: Thank you for your introduction. Mary: I want to have some chicken. Would you like some, Bertha? Bertha: A little, please. How about some rice? Mary & Susan: Thank you, we can manage it by ourselves. (Bertha gets some salad, a bowl of rice. some soup and fried chips. ) Bertha: Mary and Susan. where should we sit? Here or there by the window? Mary: Here will be fine. There are so many people here and it is so crowded. Susan:Well, just have seats and enjoy our dishes. Bertha: I find there are so many different kinds of dishes in this buffet dinner. Mary: Yes. I often want to have lunch here. The taste and prices are good. Susan:On every weekend, I miss the lunch here. You know, I don't like to cook by myself in my apartment. Bertha:These dishes are so wonderful. I like them, too. And thank you for your instruction and having lunch with me. 玛丽:贝莎,现在是午餐时间。我们去餐厅吧? 贝莎:好吧,走。 (贝莎、玛丽和苏珊走近餐厅。拿了盘子、刀子和勺子。) 苏珊:贝莎,这是我们公司的餐厅。你想吃什么自己从这些盘子里夹就可以。 贝莎:谢谢你啊。 玛丽:我想要一些鸡肉。贝莎,你要吗? 贝莎:我要一点吧。来些米饭怎么样? 玛丽&苏珊:谢谢,我们自己来吧。 (贝莎夹了些沙拉,要了一碗米饭,一碗汤,还有一些炸薯条。) 贝莎:玛丽、苏珊,我们坐哪里?这里还是靠窗户的那边? 玛丽:这里就可以。餐厅有很多人,太挤了。 苏珊:好,坐这儿吃饭吧。 贝莎:我发现这个自助餐厅有很多种类的菜。 玛丽:是的,我常常想在这里吃午餐。味道可口。而且价格公道。 苏珊:每到周末,我都会想念这里的午餐。你们知道,我不喜欢在家自己做饭。 贝莎:这些饭菜太好吃了。我也很喜欢。谢谢你们能和我一起吃午餐,而且还给我介绍。 其实想要提高英语口语,根本的方法就是多说多练,比较好是拥有一个良好的英语环境,并且要知道外国人的语言特色,多练练国际英语小编整理的吃饭英语对话,希望能帮助大家提升英语口语。