  • 总算知道前台接待电话英语


    (At the beginning, Bertha dreads the ringing of the phone in Mrs Sparks' Office. ) Bertha: Hello, this is ACD Company. I am Bertha Shaw. the secretary of Mrs Sparks. What can I do for you? Dan: Good morning. This is Dan. Could I speak to Mrs Sparks? Bertha: I feel so sorry that Mrs Sparks has gone on business. Dan: Really? When will she come back? Bertha: Maybe next weekend. She only mentioned this before she left. Dan: Well, do you know the cooperation program plan between ACD Company and Cony Company? Do you know where the file is now? Bertha: Let me check. OK! I got it. Dan: The file needs to be retyped and sent to us as soon as possible. Bertha: Dan. don't worry. I would like to do this for you. I remember that Mrs Sparks told me about this before she left. I have done what she told me, and I will send it to you right now. How about this? Dan: That's terrific! Thanks a lot! Bertha: You are welcome. (刚刚上班.贝莎对于斯帕克斯夫人办公室里的电话铃声感到恐惧。) 贝莎:你好,这里是ACD公司。我是肖贝莎,斯帕克斯夫人的秘书。我能为您做些什么吗? 丹:早上好,我是丹。我能和斯帕克斯夫人通话吗? 贝莎:很抱歉,斯帕克斯夫人出差了。 丹:是吗?她何时才能回来呢? 贝莎:可能是在下周末吧。她临走之前就说了这些。 丹:好的,你是否了解ACD公司和康尼公司的合作项目呢?你知道与这一合作相关的文件现在在什么地方吗? 贝莎:让我查找一下。好的,我找到了。 丹:这一文件需要重新打印并尽快寄往我处。 贝莎:丹,请不必担心。我将为您做好此事。我记得斯帕克斯夫人临走的时候告诉我了。我已经按她吩咐的做了。我会将这一文件给你寄过去的。这样好吗? 贝莎:好极了!非常感谢! 丹:不用客气。 英语口语对话采用“沟通型”语言学习方法,活泼有趣的英语口语交流以及观点展示能使您将学习要点用于语言实践。国际英语提醒大家多练才能有效提升口语能力,接下来继续练习前台接待电话英语。 Bertha:Hi, this is Mrs Sparks' office in ACD do you want to talk to? Steven:Hi. I want to speak to Mrs Sparks. Bertha:Sorry, she is not here and she went to Manager's office. Steven:Well, can you tell how long she will stay there? Bertha: I am not so sure about it. Steven:As calling long distance. I can not wait for so long tell her to call me as soon as possible when she is hack. This is Mr Steven. the Sales Manager of Unitrade Company. Bertha: I will tell her and call you she know your phone number? Steven: I suppose so, as I called her last week and she knew my number. Bertha: When should she try to reach you? Steven: She had better call me before 4 o' clock this afternoon. Bertha. OK! And I repeat this, please check whether memo is a good one or not. A phone call came from Mr Steven. the sales manager of Unitrade call back before 4 o' clock this afternoon. Is that right? Steven: You did a good job. Thank you. Bye. Bertha: You're welcome. 贝莎:你好,这是ACD公司斯帕克斯夫人的办公室,您想找谁? 斯蒂文:你好,我想和斯帕克斯夫人通话。 贝莎:对不起,她现在不在,去经理室了。 斯蒂文:明白,那你能告诉我她什么时候能在办公室吗? 贝莎:这个我还真不能确定。 斯蒂文:由于这是长途电话,我不能老等着。请告知她。一回办公室就给我打电话。我是联合贸易公司的销售经理,斯蒂文先生。 贝莎:我会告诉她的,并给您回电话。她知道您的电话吗? 斯蒂文:我想她应该有的,因为我上周曾给她打过电话,她知道我的号码。 贝莎:那么她何时给您打电话合适呢? 斯蒂文:比较好是在今天下午4点之前给我打电话。 贝莎:好的,请让我重复一遍,请检查一下我做的这个备忘录信息是否正确。来自联合贸易公司销售经理斯蒂文先生的电话,请您在今天下午4点之前给他回电。这样对吗? 斯蒂文:你做得很好。谢谢,再见。 贝莎:不客气。 其实想要提高英语口语,根本的方法就是多说多练,比较好是拥有一个良好的英语环境,并且要知道外国人的语言特色,多练练国际英语小编整理的前台接待电话英语,希望能帮助大家提升英语口语。