  • 终于明白邀约英语怎么说


    Roberson:Hi! Whom am I talking to? Bertha :Hi! Do you still remember me? This is Bertha and I work in ACD Company. Roberson:Ah. it is good to speak to you again. I know your voice. How can I help you? Bertha:I want to know whether you are free to have lunch tomorrow with some of my colleagues and I. Roberson:I'm afraid I am under snow these days. Actually I really want to join with you. Bertha:Oh. what a pity. How about the day after tomorrow? Roberson:Well, I think it will be fine. But I have to attend a meeting on that afternoon, so I am afraid I can not stay long. Bertha:No problem. And now, is there anything in particular that you would like to eat? Roberson:No really. Anything will be fine for me. Bertha:That's good. There is a famous Sea Food Restaurant near your company. What about this one? Roberson :Fine idea. It sounds good. I've been there often. Bertha:Let's fix the time. We meet at the gate of your company at 11 :30 the day after tomorrow. What do you think? Roberson:All right. I will be there on time. Anything else? Bertha:No more. See you later! Roberson:See you.
    罗伯森:你好,你是哪一位? 贝莎:您好!您还记得我吗?我是ACD公司的贝莎。 罗伯森:很高兴再次和你通话。我记得你的声音。有何贵干? 贝莎:我想问一下您明天中午能否和我及我的几位同事一起吃午饭呢? 罗伯森:恐怕我这几天都会很忙。实际上我很愿意和你们在一起的。 贝莎:哦!那太遗憾了。那么后天怎么样呢? 罗伯森:好的,我想后天应该问题不大。但是我后天下午还有会议要参加,所以恐怕那天我不能停留很久。 贝莎:没关系。那么,您有什么特别喜欢吃的吗? 罗伯森:还真没有。任何食物都可以的。 贝莎:那好吧。地点就定在离您公司很近的一家海鲜饭店怎么样? 罗伯森:好主意。而且我也经常去那里吃饭的。 贝莎:那让我们定一下时间吧。我们在后天中午11点30分在您公司门口等您,您觉得如何? 罗伯森:还有什么事吗? 贝莎:没什么了。到时候见吧! 罗伯森:再见。 英语口语对话采用“沟通型”语言学习方法,活泼有趣的英语口语交流以及观点展示能使您将学习要点用于语言实践。广州国际英语提醒大家多练才能有效提升口语能力,接下来继续练习邀约英语怎么说。
    Cheney :Can you put me through to Mr Johnson? Johnson:Speaking. Cheney :This is Cheney from Chenxing Company. Johnson:Cheney, nice to talk to you. Cheney :Nice to talk to you, too. Our manager. Mr Green, wants me to let you know he's free next Friday. He is expecting you at 9:30 in the morning in his office. Johnson:Let's confirm the time : 9: 30 a. m. next Friday. Fine, I'll be there to meet Mr Green. Cheney :We'll be expecting you then. Johnson:Thank you for your informing.
    切尼:我可以和约翰森先生通电话吗? 约翰森:请讲。 切尼:我是Chenxing公司的切尼。 约翰森:切尼,很高兴跟您通话。 切尼:也很高兴与您通话。我的经理格林先生。想让我通知您他下个周五有时间。他上午9点30分在他办公室恭候您。 约翰森:我们再确认一下时间.下周五,9点30分。好的,我会去的。 切尼:期待您的光临。 约翰森:谢谢您给我打电话。 其实想要提高英语口语,根本的方法就是多说多练,比较好是拥有一个良好的英语环境,并且要知道外国人的语言特色,多练练广州国际英语小编整理的邀约英语怎么说,希望能帮助大家提升英语口语。