  • 终于懂了机场接待英语情景对话


    (Bertha is arranged to meet Mr Frozen, at the International Airport. ) Bertha:How are you. Mr Brown? How nice to see you again! How is everything going? Brown: Very well. What about you? Bertha: Not bad. thanks. Our company has sent me to pick you up here. Brown:That's so nice of you. Bertha: How was your flight? Brown:Just wonderful. Good food and good service. Do you know where the luggage claim area is? Bertha: Yes. it is over there. Here we go! How many pieces of luggage do you have? Brown:only one. Bertha: Let's go! Brown : OK. (At the luggage claim area. ) Brown:Where can I get the luggage? I can not find my luggage now. Receptionist: Don't worry. Please wait for a moment. We are investigating. Brown:Here is my claim tag. I'd like to make a lost luggage report. Could you please check it urgently? Receptionist: Would you come with me to the office? Can you describe your luggage? Brown:It's a medium-sized BOSS and it is black. How soon will you find out? Receptionist: It depends. Generally it takes about a day. Brown:OK! Please deliver the luggage to my hotel as soon as you find it. Receptionist: In which hotel will you be staying? Bertha:Future Hotel. You know it. Receptionist: We got it. Brown:How can you help nie if you can not find the luggage today? Receptionist: We can supply some basic necessities for the night. (Half an hour passes. The receptionist dials the phone number of Future Hotel.) Hotel Assistant: Hello, this is Future Hotel. What can I do for you? Receptionist:This is the Luggage Claim Office. Please help me to get through Mr Brown who lives in your hotel this morning? Hotel Assistant: Hold on, please. (Mr Brouin speaks to the Receptionist on the phone. ) Brown:Hello. this is Jim Brown. Receptionist: Hello, Mr Brown. This is the Luggage Claim Office. Your luggage is found now. We will deliver your luggage to your hotel. Brown:Really? You are so considerate. Receptionist: That is our job. Have good clays in our city. Brown:Thank you. (贝莎被安排前往国际机场迎接布朗先生。) 贝莎:您好吗,布朗先生?很高兴能与您再次见面。近一切可好? 布朗:我很好。你呢? 贝莎:还不错,谢谢。我们公司派我来迎接您。 布朗:那真是太好了。 贝莎:您的行程还好吗? 布朗:挺好的。食物鲜美、服务周到。你知道行李提取处在什么地方吗? 贝莎:这个我知道。就在那边。我们走吧!您带有几件行李呢? 布朗:就带了一件。 贝莎:我们这就去。 布朗:好。 (在行李提取处。) 布朗:我在什么地方取我的行李呢?我现在找不到行李了。 接待处:请不必担心。我们正在调查中。请稍等。 布朗:这是我的行李票。我必须填写一个行李丢失报告。你能快点查阅一下吗? 接待处:请到我的办公室来。您能描述一下您的行李吗? 布朗:一个中型的BOSS牌的黑色皮箱。你快什么时候可以找到? 接待处:视情况而定。通常需要一天。 布朗:好的!请在找到行李后就送到我入住的宾馆。 接待处:您在哪一家宾馆住呢? 贝莎:在Future宾馆。你知道的。 接待处:明白了。 布朗:如果今天找不到行李的话,你能提供什么帮助吗? 接待处:我们将提供给你夜间的一些必备用品。 (半小时过后。机场行李提取处的接待员给Future宾馆打电话。) 宾馆助理:您好,Future宾馆。有什么为您服务的吗? 接待员:这里是行李提取处。请帮我接布朗先生,他今天早晨入住的。 宾馆助理:请稍等。 (布朗先生和接待员通话。) 布朗:你好,我是吉姆·布朗。 接待员:您好,布朗先生。这里是行李提取处。您的行李找到了。我们会派人给您送到宾馆。 布朗:真的?你们真是太周到了。 接待员:这是我们的工作。祝您愉快。 布朗:谢谢。 其实想要提高英语口语,根本的方法就是多说多练,比较好是拥有一个良好的英语环境,并且要知道外国人的语言特色,多练练广州国际英语小编整理的机场接待英语情景对话,希望能帮助大家提升英语口语。