  • 总算领会外宾接待常用英语


    (The car that Cheney and Mr Thompson sit on gets closer to the gate of Chenxing Company. ) Thompson: Well, is this your company? That's impressive. Cheney: Yes. That is the gate of our company. Can you see my superior. Mr Wharton? fhompson: Is that the gentleman standing in front of the group? Cheney: Yes. He told me he will welcome you at the gate of our company before I went for the Airport. fhompson: Your superior and you are both warm-hearted. Cheney: Actually we emphasize on showing respect to our distinguished guests. This is our custom. (Mr Thompson comes out of the cur and Mr Wharton greets him. ) Wharton:Mr Thompson. it is so nice to meet you here. Welcome to visit our company. fhompson: Nice to meet you. Here is my card. Wharton:Thank you. And here is my card. How was your trip, Mr Thompson? Thompson: It's wonderful, though it was a little tiring. Wharton:And now shall we come to our meeting room and have a short break? fhompson: OK! Here we go! Cheney: Mr Thompson. should I hold your luggage for you? Thompson: That's very kind of you. Cheney: You're welcome.
    (切尼和汤姆森先生乘坐的车接近Chenxing公司的大门了。) 汤姆森:哦,这就是你们公司?给人的印象很深刻啊。 切尼:是的。那是我们公司大门。您看到我的老板。沃顿先生了吗? 汤姆森:就是站在人群前而那位绅十吗? 切尼:是的。我去飞机场之前,他跟我说他会在公司门口迎接您。 汤姆森:你的老板和你一样都很热心。 切尼:事实上我们很重视我们的贵宾。这是我们公司的惯例。 (汤姆森先生下了车,沃顿先生向他问候。) 沃顿:汤姆森先生。很高兴见到你。欢迎来我们公司。 汤姆森:很高兴见到你。这是我的名片。 沃顿:谢谢。这是我的名片。旅途还顺利吗?汤姆森先生。 汤姆森:虽然有点累,但是好极了。 沃顿:现在请到我们的会议室稍做休息吧。 汤姆森:好的!我们走吧。 切尼:汤姆森先生,我来帮您拿行李好吗? 汤姆森:你太好了。 切尼:不客气。