  • 总算找到水污染英语怎么说

    [图片0] 英语学习在于应用,日常英语口语对话则是为实用了,尽量以浅显的方式介绍,即使平常不太有机会接触英语的人,也可一句一句地学习会话。宜昌韦博英语培训机构为您整理日常英语对话,以快速提高听说能力为主要目标,同时扩大词汇量、明确语法、提高阅读与写作能力,本篇是水污染英语怎么说。 A : Rain falls through the air it dissolves some of the gases in the also collects bits of dust and microbes that are floating in the air. B : You mean rain water is not pure? A:Exactly know,when the rain reaches the ground it begins to pick up more dust and kinds of mineral substances dissolve in the water.
    B:Well,some of the impurities are harmful,whereas others are harmless. A :You're absolutely right.
    B :You can purify water by boiling it and condensing the steam you have collected. A : Oh, since water is so important to us, it is very important that the water we use should be clean.
    A:由于雨下落时要通过空气,它便溶解了空气中的某些气体。它也聚集了空气中漂浮的尘埃微粒和微生物。 B:你的意思是说,雨水不纯洁? A:正是这样。你知道,当雨水到达地面时,水里面就有更多的尘埃和污物。水中溶解了许多种矿物质。 B:有些杂质有害,而其他的则无害。 A:你说得完全正确。 B:还可以用煮沸和凝结水蒸汽的方法使水净化。 A:噢,既然水对我们如此重要,我们使用的水应当清洁。
    英语口语的运用无处不在,无法使用英语进行交流将给我们的工作生活带来很多的不方便,学习英语口语,百听不如一练,宜昌韦博英语小编为大家提供另一篇英语口语范文,大家趁热打铁,熟悉话题:水污染英语怎么说。 A:Well,no one could survive without water. B: pollution has long been a major concern among the environmental issues. A:But what are the sources of water pollution? B:There're many causes,but which could generally be divided into two categories:direct and indirect contaminant sources. A:Well,direct ones are the pollutants directly from factories,refineries,waste treatment plants etc.,aren't they? B:Yes. A:But what about the indirect ones? B:Indirect sources include contaminants that enter the water supply from soils or groundwater systems and from the atmosphere via rainwater. A:For the sake of us all,we should take an active part in the prevention of it. B:Sure. A:没了水咱们谁都活不了。 B:是啊。长期以来水污染一直都是环境问题中备受关注的。 A:但它是由什么引起的呢? B:有很多原因,但可以归为两类:直接污染和间接污染。 A:直接污染是指工厂、冶炼厂等地方直接排出来的废物是吧? B:对。 A:那间接的又是什么呢? B:间接污染是从泥土或地下水系统中及通过雨水从大气中进人水源的有害物。 A:为了我们自身,我们大家都应该积极投人到防止水污染的活动中去。 B:就是。 以上就是韦博英语小编整理的水污染英语怎么说,韦博提供了丰富的英美国家日常生活情景交流的口语话题,涵盖日常、校园、人际、旅游、交通、购物、职场等各行各业,让您学习各种地道的表达方式,需要快速提升英语能力的学员可以报读英语课程,欢迎进入宜昌韦博英语。 [图片1] [图片2] [图片3] Q:上班族到底该怎样学英语?
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