  • 总算知道商务英语对话中英对照

    1商务 英语 对话中英对照篇一

    It means that if you place a big order, we usually allow 15% for a trade discount .如果你们下宗大单子,那么我们通常给你们15%的折扣。下面介绍商务英语对话中英对照,希望可以帮助到您。


    A: What's your products' competitive edge?

    B: You have probably noticed that our products' prices are competitive. Besides, we can provide more superior products than other companies at the same price.

    A: We need your detail explanation.

    B: It means that if you place a big order, we usually allow 15% for a trade discount . And our products feel more slip, colorful and faddish than others'. You can have a look.

    A: It sounds good, and how about its quality ? We only book for the best.

    B: we always sell the best. You can believe us at this point.

    A: OK. How long does it take you to deliver if we order 1000 pieces of silk.

    B: Within 2 weeks once we receive your orders.

    A: 你们的产品的竞争优势是什么?

    B: 你们可能已经注意到了我们产品的价格很有竞争力。此外,在相同的价位上,我们能够提供更加优质的产品。

    A: 我们需要你详细地解释一下。

    B: 如果你们下宗大单子,那么我们通常给你们15%的折扣。而且,我们的产品感觉起来更加顺滑,颜色更多,而且更加时尚。你可以看一看。

    A: 听起来不错。你们产品的质量怎么样?我们只订最好的。

    B: 我们只销售优质产品。这点你可以相信我们。

    A: 好吧。那如果我们预订1000件丝绸,交货需要多长时间?

    B: 收到订单后两个星期内交货。


    A: There's a car waiting for you just outside the door. Right this way, please.

    B: OK.

    A: Let me put your cases into the trunk , and please get in the back.

    B: Thanks!

    A: How was your flight?

    B: It's comfortable, but now I'm a little tired.

    A: We'll reach the Beijing Hotel in another ten minutes. When we arrived there, you can go up and have a rest. The hotel has very good service, and it's considered as one of the best hotels here.

    B: Thank you! I lived there when I came to Beijing last time. It's comfortable and beautiful.

    A: If it's convenient for you, Mr. Wu would like to invite you to the banquet in honor of you in the evening.

    B: Thank you, I will. When and where will the dinner be?

    A: At six o'clock in the International Hotel. We'll pick you up this afternoon. Besides, if you care for visiting, we'll arrange some sightseeing for you.

    B: Oh, that's nice. Thank you for arranging all of this.

    A: 车就在门外等您,请这边走。

    B: 好的!

    A: 我来把您的行李放在行李箱里吧,请上后座。

    B: 谢谢!

    A: 旅行愉快吗?

    B: 很舒服,但是我现在有点累。

    A: 我们会在十分钟内到达北京饭店。我们到的时候,您可以上楼休息一下。这个宾馆的服务很好,被认为是北京最好的宾馆之一。

    B: 谢谢!上次来北京时,我就住在这里。很舒服也很漂亮。

    A: 如果您方便的话,吴先生想请您出席今天晚上为您举行的晚宴。

    B: 谢谢,我会去的。宴会在什么时间和地点呢?

    A: 六点钟在国际饭店。我们今天下午来接您。此外,如果您愿意,我们将安排您观光旅行。

    B: 那太好了。谢谢你们安排的这些。


    A: What kind of food do you prefer?

    B: Anything is OK.

    A: So what are today's specials?

    C: Please look at the menu. What about the sweet and sour fish? It's fresh.


    A: Would you like seefood?

    B: I'd like it.

    A: That's good. We'll order it.

    A: Please help yourself to the dishes.

    B: Thanks. It's delicious.

    A: Have some more, please.

    B: Thank you. It's really a treat. I'm full.

    A: Cheers!

    A: 你喜欢什么样的食物?

    B: 什么都行。

    A: 你们今天的招牌菜是什么?

    C: 请看一下菜单吧。糖醋鱼怎么样?很新鲜。

    A: 你喜欢吃海鲜吗?

    B: 喜欢。

    A: 好的。我们点这个菜。

    A: 请随便吃点菜。

    B: 谢谢。味道很好。

    A: 请多吃一点儿。

    B: 谢谢。这真是美味。我已经饱了。

    A: 干杯!


    A: This is Manager Liang's office, what can I do for you?

    B: This is Wang Xiao from AB company speaking. Our CEO Mr. Green has an appointment with Mr. Liang tomorrow morning. But there is a minor change in tomorrow's schedule. Mr. Green has an abrupt urgent case tomorrow and he has to go abroad today. He wanted me to convey his apology to Mr. Wang.

    A: OK. I'll tell him.

    B: And Mr. Green will make another appointment when Mr. Wang comes back.

    A: OK. Thanks for calling.

    B: Bye!

    A: Bye!

    A: 梁经理办公室,您好!有什么可以帮助您的吗?

    B: 我是AB公司的王箫,我们公司总裁格林先生与梁经理在明天上午有个约会。但是安排有变动。格林先生有紧急事情,今天已经出国。让让我向王经理转告他的歉意。

    A: 好的,我会告诉他。

    B: 格林先生回国时再和王经理安排一另一个见面。

    A: 好的。谢谢你的电话。

    B: 再见。

    A: 再见。