  • 终于认识雅思口语borrow范文

    1 雅思 口语borrow范文

    Describe a time you borrowed something from your friends or family,这个话题对考生来说并不陌生,日常有借有还的经历还是很多的,想要说得出彩不太容易。下面是小编搜集整理的关于雅思口语borrow范文的资料,欢迎查阅。


    Describe a time you borrowed something from your friends or family

    You should say:

    What it was

    When you borrowed it

    Whom you borrowed it from

    What you did with it

    And why you borrowed it


    Just after finishing my college, I along with two other friends planned to start a small business. It would be 2015, I guess, and I was convinced to be part of this business and borrowed the money from my father. Besides my university, I got serious about our new venture and I had been able to return the money within a year that I took from my father as a loan. When I returned the money to my father, he seemed surprised and I explained to him how our interior design house is flourishing day by day. He told me that he was quite astonished that our little venture eventually saw the light of success.


    I thanked him for the money and explained how we worked together to make it a success. I also showed my gratitude and mentioned that without his money, I could not have been a part of this business.


    In numerous times, I borrowed books, laptops, music player, money, CDs and so on from my friends and relatives but the two thousand dollars I took from my father was something quite different and I am lucky that I decided to borrow it from my father for a good reason.



    Why do some people like to borrow things instead of buying them?

    What would you do if people don t return the money they borrowed from you?

    Why are people embarrassed when they borrow money from others?

    How often you borrow something from others?

    Borrowing is not in my nature but when I am in extreme need of something and I cannot manage alone getting that, I borrow. But it is a rare event for me and my surrounding people that I am borrowing something from them. However, I do not bother in lending.借款不是我的天性,但当我极度需要某样东西的时候,我无法独自得到它,我就借了。但对我和周围的人来说,这是一件罕见的事情,我向他们借了一些东西。然而,我不愿意贷款。

    In which situation people usually borrow things?

    When people have nothing to do with any specific issue, they are to borrow from others. For instance, you are standing in a bus queue to get the ticket for returning your home and suddenly realised that someone took your wallet (I mean you are experiencing a pickpocket) but you have to go home, what will you do? This is an emergency for you. The first thing you will do is that you will look for any familiar people who can help you in that situation by paying your ticket fare. In such a situation, you will not mind in borrowing and also will return the favour in the next day or when it is possible.当人们与任何具体问题毫无关系时,他们就会向别人借钱。举个例子,你站在一个公共汽车队列里,拿着回家的车票,突然意识到有人拿走了你的钱包(我的意思是你正在经历一个扒手),但是你必须回家,你会怎么做?这对你来说是紧急情况。你要做的第一件事是,你会寻找任何熟悉的人,他们可以通过支付你的票费来帮助你。在这种情况下,你不会介意借款,也会在第二天或可能的时候回报你的恩惠。

    Is it good to borrow apart from the emergency situations?

    If you make it a habit of borrowing things in every situation it will be considered as a bad habit. Moreover, it will reduce your credibility and a help building a negative image of you among your surrounding people. You can borrow anything you need if it is an emergency for you. Besides, the people will extend their helping hand towards you without any condition or second thought when they will realise that truly you are in danger. But if you abuse their generosity, at the end of the day you will get no help from any of them. In this case, you can recall the moral story of the cowboy and tiger.如果你养成了在任何情况下都要借东西的习惯,那就会被认为是一种坏习惯。此外,它还会降低你的可信度,并帮助你在周围的人中间树立一个负面形象。如果对你来说是紧急情况,你可以借任何你需要的东西。此外,当人们意识到你真的处于危险之中时,他们会毫不犹豫地向你伸出援助之手。但是如果你滥用他们的慷慨,在一天结束的时候你将得不到任何他们的帮助。在这种情况下,你可以回忆起牛仔和老虎的道德故事。


    Popular Music

    Many young people are fans of popular music. They go to their favorite singer’s live performances, they buy their latest singing albums. They are just crazy about their idols and beloved music.


    The reasons why they like popular music may be as the following shows. First, compared with classical music, popular music expresses the ideas that are characteristic of the era and hence closer to people. They may find in popular music the most expression of their thoughts. Second, with melodious tune and colloquial expressions, popular songs are easy to remember and quick to learn. Third, to understand popular music does not need much of high learning or profound knowledge. It suits common people.

    Though there is rarely listened to classical music, there are many well-known popular songs. Enjoy what is enjoyable in popular music, and you will find this music is beautiful, too.


    Some people believe that the spread of TV has made families less closer. To what degree do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

    You should write at least 250 words. You should use your own ideas of knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.

    As one of the most important inventions of the past century, TV is playing a more and more important role in modern life. However, some people are starting to worry about its negative effects on traditional families. I am convinced that the existence of TV has brought about alienation among family members.

    First, watching TV occupies our time to communicate with our families. TV provides a ready means of relaxation for people who spend their days doing routine and busy jobs. As soon as TV enters into our home, most of our free time is controlled by it. What is more, the one-eyed monster requires absolute silence and attention. If any member dares to open his mouth, the others order him to shut up immediately. Therefore we communicate less with our family members.

    Furthermore, families often quarrel over what programs they should watch. Thanks to hardworking TV workers, we enjoy more TV channels and more colorful TV programs. But a question has arisen: it is difficult for families to choose a common channel because they have different interests. It is inevitable to given rise to quarrel among them.

    In addition, poor-quality TV programs can have severe effects on people's mood and behavior. For instance, a person who watches too many idealized programs may become unrealistic. In addition, unhealthy programs which contain obscene and violent contents may cause people's curiosity.

    In conclusion, I think that TV indeed has led to alienation among family members. We should be aware about the problem. Something should be done as soon as possible to protect the families from the negative effects of television. For example, we should reduce the time spent in front of the little screen and spend more time with our families together. (290 words)


    Self-confidence refers to the firm belief in one's capability to do something well. In many cases, self-confidence is crucial to one's success because on the one hand, it provides a solid psychological ground for one's work, on the other hand, it is based on an evaluation of one's understanding of a certain kind of knowledge done by oneself.

    Self-confidence is an important psychological factor in our work. We can safely draw the conclusion that being given the same kind of work, a self-confidence person will find the work much easier and more interesting than one that holds a gloomy view on one's own ability. Similarly, when facing a patient, the doctor who is quite confident of his diagnosis is more likely to give much comfort to the patient and therefore achieves more satisfying result than a doctor who isn't because the self-confidence of a doctor greatly influences his patient's mood.

    However, we shouldn't confuse self-confidence with conceit. The former is based on a thorough understanding of knowledge one has acquired but the latter isn't. Conceit may make people succeed temporarily, but that won't last, nevertheless, self-confidence is forever a help, a stimulus to one's success。(195 words)