  • 终于认识雅思口语话题电脑

    1 雅思 口语话题电脑




    Do you own a personal computer?


    own v. 拥有

    personal a. 个人的,私人的

    computer n. 计算机,电脑

    personal computer=PC“个人电脑”

    Is it a desktop or laptop?


    Is it a notebook?


    desktop=desktop computer“台式电脑”

    laptop/notebook=laptop/notebook computer“手提/笔记本电脑”

    What's the configuration of your computer?


    My computer configuration: Windows XP Operating System. Intel Pentium 4 CPU/Processor, 500GB Hard Drive/Disk, 1GB Memory/RAM, 52X CD Drive, 16X DVD Burner, 256MB Video

    Card, Ethernet Card, 6 USB Ports, Samsung 20-inch Widescreen LCD Monitor, Multimedia Keyboard and Optical Mouse.

    我的电脑配置是:Window XP操作系统,英特尔奔腾四处理器.500G硬盘.1G内存,52倍速CD光驱,16倍速DVD刻录机,256M显卡,以太网卡,6个USB接口,三星20英寸宽屏液晶显示器,多媒体键盘


    configuration n. 配置,构造

    processor n. 处理器( = CPU )

    Ethernet n. 以太网

    optical a. 光的,光学的

    What do you primarily use your computer for?


    primarily ad. 主要地,根本上

    The development of computer technology is really fast.


    development n. 发展,进步

    All children should become computer-literate while they are in school.


    Not being computer-literate is becoming a handicap in the modern world.


    She is highly computer-literate.


    computer-literate a. 懂电脑的,会电脑知识的

    handicap n. 障碍,阻碍,不利

    Many film's special effects are created by computers.


    effect n. 效果

    Nowadays, there are too many dreadful computer viruses.


    My computer is often infected with viruses.


    Which anti-virus software is the best?


    nowadays ad. 如今,现在

    dreadful a. 可怕的

    infect v. 感染

    virus n. 病毒

    Many youngsters indulge in computer games.


    Many kids spend more time playing computer games than watching TV.


    indulge v. 沉溺于

    Computer networks are growing fast.


    network n. 网络

    We benefit a lot from the use of computers.


    benefit from“从…中受益”


    On Computers

    Jill: Good afternoon. ma'am. I'm doing some market research and I am hoping you might have a few minutes to answer some questions.


    Anne: Okay. sure.


    Jill: Great, thank you very much! First of all, do you own a personal computer?


    Anne: Of course! Doesn't everyone?


    Jill: How long have you owned it?


    Anne: I bought this particular computer last year. But I got my first PC in 1995.


    Jill: I see. And what do you primarily use your computer for?


    Anne: Well, I send a lot of e-mails and I have a learn-at-home French program. I also like to do my shopping online to.


    Jill: Anything else?


    Anne: I keep track of my bank accounts, and there are a couple of online games I really enjoy.


    Jill: Do you use the Internet for any other purposes?


    Anne: Not really. I don't have time to explore all that much.


    Jill: Thanks for taking the time to answer. I hope it wasn't to much trouble.


    Anne: Not at all.



    Describe something you made that you gave to other people


    You should say:

    What it was

    What it was like

    Who you gave it to

    And how you felt about it

    PART 3

    Have you received anything that were made by the giver?

    When receiving a gift, do you prefer something that was self-made or something bought in stores?

    Which is better, self-made food or food that you buy?

    Are art classes important in schools?


    I made a simple kite for my son during the last National Day. Since I’d never made a kite before, I’d thought it would be a tough task. But it turned out that making a kite was actually just a piece of cake.


    I decided on its shape first. I just chose a flat one because it was virtually the most basic structure and could be easily carried around. Then I got a sheet of coloured paper and cut out the shape.


    My son got thin plastic strips for me. I tied them together with a string, which apparently would be the frame of the kite. After that, we made the bridle which connected the frame to the control line. Finally I glued the paper to the frame.


    It seemed to be an arduous work as it took me a whole afternoon to finish it but finally it turned out to be quite rewardful. The kite flew pretty well in the garden the next day. Our hard work paid off. I chose a hand work as a gift because I reckoned it more precious for my son than the toys bought in the shops. Besides, doing a hand work offered me and my son an opportunity to experience the simple pleasures of life.



    Describe someone you haven t seen before but you would like to know more

    You should say:

    Who this person is

    How you knew about the person

    What you want to know more about this person

    Why you would like to know this person more

    PART 3

    What kinds of people do you like to be friends with?

    Do you prefer to expand your social circle or be friends with a small group of people?


    I’d like to tell you about somebody I met online a couple of weeks ago. This person lives in another country and we met in a Skype chat group. We were there to practice speaking English.


    There were about six of us at the time. There was one person in particular that I thought was very interesting, and she spoke very good English, so I asked to chat with her after the session and that’s when we really chatted a lot and got to know each other a little better.


    She was from Switzerland and she was a student, her name was Inga. For me she was very interesting because her life is very different from mine. I have two sisters, but I don’t really spend that much time with them, but this girl was definitely interesting to chat to.


    She is a student at university, doing a Masters Degree in Business Administration, which is sort of similar to what I would like to do in the future. We first started chatting because we have a common interest – salsa dancing.


    For me it’s the most natural thing in the world because my mother was a dance teacher so I grew up learning all different types of dance and salsa was always one of my favorites.


    Inga is taking salsa lessons in her hometown, her teacher is from somewhere in Cuba, I can’t remember the name of the city, but he’s a professional dancer and also gives classes in a dance school. We spent quite some time discussing different steps and techniques- it was fun.


    I found Inga interesting because her lifestyle is completely different from mine. I have never been to Europe and some of the things she was describing were amazing.


    I think I’d like to visit and see what it’s like for myself. It was intriguing to learn some things about another person’s life, country and culture. I get the impression that Europe is very different from the USA. So that's my story about an interesting person I met recently.
