  • 总算明了雅思口语事件类话题

    1 雅思 口语事件类话题



    Describe a time you experienced a long-time traffic jam.

    You should say:

    when and where it happened;

    how long you were in the traffic jam;

    what you did to try to get out of the problem situation;

    and explain how you felt about that traffic jam.


    Several weeks ago, I was on a bus to my workplace, as usual. But I didn't expect that the bus would get stuck right in the middle of a bridge. A car got rear-ended by another one, the two drivers were quarreling ferociously, they almost broke into a fight at some point. The traffic police were there, but there was nothing they could do. And all the cars and buses where just stuck there, with drivers honking and passengers cursing. It was totally chaotic.

    Since I'm just a passenger, I could do nothing about the problem. But if I were the traffic policeman, I would stop those two drivers with forces, and towed away their cars, so that the rest of us could get pass. about this traffic congestion, I felt completely irritated. My work begins sharply at nine o'clock, but it was already eight forty, and there were still six stops to go. I could never make it on time. I tried to tell myself to calm down and read some news reports on my cellphone, but I was distracted and disgusted by the foul language of those two angry drivers, and the complains of other passengers around me. And what upset me even more was that the traffic policeman was just writing stuff on his notebook, without doing anything practical. And I felt sorry for those two drivers. Had they acted more rationally, they wouldn't have caused such a scene. But I guess they would never know that until they saw their pictures on the front page the next day. That traffic jam lasted for about an hour, and it utterly ruined my day.


    something you’ve always wanted to do

    1. In general, do you think planning is important? 总体来说,你认为做计划重要吗?

    Oh, definitely it is. Planning makes our life more predictable and, as a result, less stressful. It gives us the right direction, motivates us and keeps us disciplined. It allows focus and personal energy direction preventing us from taking many unnecessary, unfocused and inefficient steps, ensuring that we are staying on track with our goals. It also aids in organising our day, week, month and year and helps us manage our time. I can also say that planning increases our efficiency and helps produce quality work. So, no doubt of primary importance.

    2. Do you think people should make highly detailed plans or just general plans? 你认为人们应该做一个详细规划还是大致计划?

    Well, I would say it depends on personality characteristics. If people enjoy the spontaneity of life and like to shake up their routine, they should opt for making general plans 'cause this type of plans builds in a high degree of flexibility and doesn't restrict people's freedom. But if people like to make sure they know where they are going and why they are doing something before getting started, I guess, they should focus on making highly detailed plans 'cause plans set the direction and establish priorities providing clarity on what people should be working on at any given t: and enabling them to make decisions deliberately, methodically and strategically.

    3. What type of people likes to make plans? 哪类人喜欢做规划?

    Oh, I think that these are, first of all, people who like to make sure they know where they are going and why they are doing something before getting started. They prefer when things progress clearly in stages. They feel comfortable when they know that they are moving in the right direction and keep everything under control. Such people are focused, deliberate and thoughtful. Oh, and they are usually avid note-takers, which explains their love to making plans.

    4. Why do you think some people don't like making plans? 为什么你认为一些人不喜欢做规划?

    Well, I guess that one of the reasons for this is the fact that making plans is time-consuming and stressful for people. What is more, plans restrict people in many ways making them feel the pressure of being in charge of unexpected twists, complexities and pitfalls, which can discourage people from planning. I also guess that some people dislike planning just because they like to shake up their routine going where the day takes them. They like the freedom to simply look forward to outcome and don't want to get disappointed if something goes wrong along the way.

    5. Do you think it's important for a person to have a career plan? 你认为职业规划重要吗?

    Oh, no doubt it is. A career plan is a kind of a road-map which will help a person get wherever they would like to go helping them define their future career path as well as giving them the confidence they need to succeed. What is more, it is an essential part of a person's personal growth and development 'cause it, first, makes people set goals and then pushes them to gain new skills to strive for those goals. One more reason why it is vital to have a career plan is because it helps people take responsibility for their weaknesses, which increases their chances of success and, as a result keeps them from getting stuck in a rut.


    Describe a perfect trip or holiday You should say:Where you would go When you would go Whom you would go with


    Describe a perfect trip or holiday. You should say:

    Where you would go.

    When you would go.

    Whom you would go with.

    What you are going to do.

    Why you think it was perfect.


    a) If I had to describe a perfect trip, I would like to tell you that I would love to undertake a trip to the zoo.

    b) I am not sure if you have been there before.


    a) I would like to go there in the summer.

    b) That is to say, I want to go there when the weather is fine, and all the animals are active.


    a) I would take some of my friends with, and also my Biology teacher.

    b) What I mean to say is that I would like some nice company, but would also want somebody who would be able to explain many of the things that we are going to see there to me.

    There are several reasons as for why I would like to go to the zoo. Allow me to explain by mentioning some of them briefly.


    a) First of all, I love nature and the outdoors.

    b) What I mean to say is that we would be out in nature the whole day.


    a) Secondly, I would be able to see many interesting animals.

    b) For instance, I have heard that there are tigers, bears, wolfs, and many other animals.


    a) Lastly, it would be a perfect trip for me because of the scenes that I would be able to see.

    b) I have heard, for instance, that there is a beautiful lake, and that one can actually climb the Qi Pan Mountain.

    7. So, those were some thoughts on what I believe would be a perfect trip.

    4雅思口语A Handicraft话题

    Q. A Handicraft (something made by hand)

    You should say:

    What it is?

    What it looks like?

    How to make it?

    And explain what other people thought of it.


    When talking about handicrafts, I’d like to share with you my experience of making paper-cut. Paper-cut is a traditional folk art in China and it’s been very popular in some ruralareas. It is paper cut into different shapes and patterns and then pasted on windows as decorations on festive occasions, such as the Spring Festival or a Wedding ceremony. I first learned to make paper- cut in primary school when making paper-cut was part of the extracurricularactivities. The process isn’t very complicated and doesn’t take long. Well, you need a piece of red-coloured paper, a pair of scissors and a pencil. Second, draw a certain pattern or write down some Chinese characters, such as “XI, OR FU ”that represent the auspiciousnessin our culture on the folded paper. Then use the scissors to cut the paper according to the you open it -da, you will find out a very beautiful pattern in the centre is right in front of your eyes. Finally , paste the pattern of “FU or XI” to the front-door upside down, which means the fortuneand bliss are coming. It is a very good practice for creativityand hands-on skills.