  • 终于理会托福独立口语分类

    1 托福 独立口语分类



    1. 校园学习类话题


    Describe why organizing time is challenging for university students and why it is important.

    Your friend plans to quit business school and take music study instead. What suggestions would you give to your friend?

    In your opinion, what is the most important quality a teacher should have?

    Which period of life is best for people to learn a second language?

    2. 生活娱乐类话题


    Describe a tool or an object that you rely on the most in your daily life. Explain why it is important to you.

    Talk about one way you think your life will be different ten years later from what it is now. Use details to explain.

    What kind of pet would you like to keep? Describe with details and examples.

    Describe the kind of movies you dislike. Describe with details and examples.

    3. 职场就业类话题


    One of your friends is going to attend a job interview, what suggestions would you give to your friend? Explain with details.

    Which do you prefer? Work at home or in the office?

    What do you think is the most effective way to find a job?

    Describe a job that you wanted when you were a child but will not choose now.

    4. 政府社会和其他话题


    What kind of measures should be taken to alleviate the problem of traffic jam? Explain with details.

    What should the government do to reduce the number of cars or other vehicles on the street to solve the problem of traffic jam?

    Which one is more important, the industrial development or the environmental protection?


    if you were given the opportunity to go visit the outer space, would you like to go or not? 有机会你要不要去外太空(shang tian)?


    就如同我们历经千辛万苦,通过标准化成绩(TOEFL/GRE/GMAT)和文书的筛选,女神学校发来了面试通知, 你敢不看面经?你敢不去精心准备mock test?

    接下来的动作当然是 - 按照分类话题,分单元练习;看到题干后,主动开脑洞,如果实在无思路,则看书中详解,并做语料准备;要做到考前见过并练过类似题目,方能保证回答流利、得体甚至精彩。


    1. What advice would you give a friend who just got a job? Explain what the  suggestion is and its importance. Please include specific details. [2013-04-20CN][2011-10-30CN][2011-02-05CN] 

    2. How can you ensure that you can finish the assignment on time when the  studying work is heavy? Please include details in your answer. [2014-06-28CN][2012-09-23CN][2011-10-14NA]  

    3. Your friend often feels nervous when speaking in front of large group of people.  What suggestions would you give to your friend to overcome this fear? [2014-05-24CN][2011-06-11CN] 

    4. Your friend is concerned about a presentation that he has to give to the class.  What advice would you give to help your friend to prepare for the presentation? [2014-01-18CN] 


    5. What can the university do to help protect the environment? Please give specific  examples. [2013-11-23CN][2012-02-05CN]  

    6. Your friend has a bad eating habit. What suggestions would you like to give the  friend? [2013-11-22NA]  

    7. A friend wants to work for one year before he enters university. What’s your  opinion? Please include reasons and examples to support your response. [2013-10-20CN][2013-09-29CN][2011-12-10CN][2011-05-14CN]  

    8. Which campus improvement do you suggest your school to invest in: swimming  pool, cafeteria or dormitory? Please give specific reasons to support your opinion. [2013-10-11NA] 

    9. Someone’s coming to your city for a visit with little knowledge about the weather  and the place. What suggestions are you doing to give him? Please give specific reasons. [2013-08-10NA]  

    10. One of your friends has been offered a job in a town far away from home. Do you  think your friend should take this job? Why or why not? Please include details. [2013-07-20CN][2013-05-26CN][2012-10-27CN][2011-03-04NA]  

    11. Your friend wants to build up a restaurant. What suggestions would you like to  give regarding food and location? Please include specific reasons and details in your explanation. [2013-06-08CN][2012-05-12CN][2011-04-02NA]  

    12. Your university has just got an investment. What should the university do with  the money? To improve the library, the gym or the lab? Please give details and examples to support your view. [2013-04-14CN][2012-04-20NA]


      1. Do you agree that: University student should take a part-time job. [2014-03-01  CN] 

    2. If you can have a part-time job at the university, what position would you choose?  A lab assistant, a campus tour guide, or a library assistant? Please give specific reasons. [2013-10-19NA]

    3. Describe a job you've done in the past or a job you'd like to do in the future.  Please include specific details in your answer.[2013-11-09 CN] 

    4. Which of the following job do you think should be paid the most: doctors,  teachers, or police officer? [2014-05-23NA] 

    5. Which of the following jobs would you like to do? Actor/actress, computer  programmer or business owner. Explain yourself in details. [2013-12-06NA] 

    6. Describe a job you’ve done in the past or a job you’d like to do in the future.  Please include specific details in your answer.  [2013-11-09NA][2013-11-09CN][2009-12-12CN][2008-07-11CN] 

    7. Which following job do you prefer, lawyer, veterinarian, or restaurant owner?  Please give specific reasons for your preference. [2013-03-03CN][2012-10-19NA] 

    8. Which following career is most appealing to you, university professor,  environmental expert, or business man? Please give your reasons with specific details. [2010-11-13CN] 

    9. Which one of the three occupations do you think is the hardest. (1) Government  worker (2) Doctor (3) Police officer. Please state your reasons with specific details. [2013-08-24CN][2012-07-28NA] 

    10. What suggestions would you give to a friend who is starting a new job. Give  examples and details in your response [2013-04-20CN] 

    11. Is it good or bad to work a year before you begin studying in university? Please  include specific examples and details in your explanation.[2013-10-20CN]