  • 总算知道托福口语独立题语料

    1 托福 口语独立题语料




    Describe the characteristics of a good teacher. Please state with specific examples and details.

    Who is the person you admire the most? Please give specific details and examples in your explanation.

    Describe the characteristics of friends, use specific examples to support your statement.

    To be a leader or a follower, which do you prefer? Please give your opinion with specific examples and details.

    What do you think are the characteristics of a good parent?

    What kind of qualities should a good leader possess?Please state your opinion and give specific details and examples in your explanation.


    人物性格特点Good qualities of people:


    Sociable, people/communication/interpersonal skills Laid-back, easy-going



    Well, the person I admire is my best friend Alex. He is a very laid-back and easygoing person, who basically gets along well with anyone, and I look up to him, cuz he can be friends with anyone within minutes with his magical socialskills.


    perseverance, persistent, fortitude, willpower, be determined to do s/th, determination, independent



    · Well, the person I admire is my best friend Tony. I would not say he is a smart or intelligent person, but the fortitude and willpower he has to achieve something he really aspires are so contagious.


    · Whenever I feel like I lost faith in myself in face of hardships and failure, and think about him. I get so pumped up and read to head in the right direction and move on, like when I am preparing the TOEFL exam, I sometime getfrustrated with all these words and passages.


    Nice, warm-hearted, compassionate ,ready to help others and reach out, affectionate , considerate, generous,



    I would say the person that I admire most is my mom. She is the one who taught to how to be a person with love from day one, and sets a very good example for me with her kindly heart, to care about others, be compassionate about theunlucky.


    inspirational, motivating, Optimistic, passionate,

    spread positive energy, contagious, vigorous, a great zeal for life



    I would say a good quality of a friend is positive attitude. you know, I am the kind of person who sometimes lacks confidence and motivation. Someone who has a great zeal for life and spreads positive energy is definitely a valuablefriend and he can surely help me to foresee a brighter future and move on with my life whenever I am down.



    trustworthy, strong leadership, management skills, father figure, honest, integrity, authenticity, genuineness, dignity

    注:在回答leader 和influential person的时候可以用以上的语料。



    · I would say someone who is qualified as a team leader should have strong leadership skills, and they should be a problem solver.


    · Plus, they should be honest and genuine, cuz, people like to hear good comments about themselves even though they might not deserve the praise.


    · A good leader should be straightforward, not filling group members with what they want to hear but what they need to hear, even if it is bad news.


    关键词:junk/food/home/restaurants/meals/eating/habit/nutrition/health/lower calories


    Do you agree or disagree with the following statement that schools should ban all junk food, such as hamburgers, soda, and sugary snack from school property.

    Some people prefer to prepare meals at home, others like to eat out in restaurants. Which do you prefer? Explain in details and examples.

    Your friend has bad eating habit. What suggestions would you like to give the friend.

    Some people prefer to eat at fast restaurants, other prefer to eat at regular restaurants. Which do you prefer? Explain your answer in details.

    For better understanding of nutrition and health, the school decides, the school decides to open a cooking class; do you think it is a reasonable decision?

    Do you agree or disagree with the following statement that schools should ban all junk, such as hamburgers, soda, and sugary snacks from school property.

    The university dining hall is changing its food service to include more healthy food with lower calories. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of this change?

    Talk about the things you do that keep you healthy. Give examples and details in your explanation.


    鼓励健康饮食习惯:encourage healthy eating habits ,

    保持体形:keep fit,

    集中注意力:concentrate/focus on; 容易分散注意力:get easily distracted

    营养:nutrient, 特定的维生素:certain vitamins;



    Greasy junk food lacks certain vitamins for the healthy development of the children, and students without sufficient healthy food might suffer from lack of concentration on their study and they get easily distracted, thus school should encourage healthy eating habit.

    垃圾食品:junk food, French fries, hamburgers;

    高热量:with high carbs, 油腻:greasy;

    儿童肥胖:child obesity;












