  • 总算懂得雅思口语话题noise

    1 雅思 口语话题noise



    you mind noises?

    Yes, traffic noise has a huge influence on me and this may lead to permanent hearing loss. Actually, I’m quite sensitive to this kind of sound. You know, even the sound of a car alarm in the next street can wake me up at midnight.


    types of noise do you come across in your daily life?

    Well, I hate the noise that caused by transport, industrial and recreational activities in the city. These kinds of noise almost drives me crazy and it may lead to an increase in stress. What’s more, it can increase the risk of deaf.


    there any sounds that you like?

    Well, I like listening bird singing, especially in the morning. Though birds are using their voice to impress mates and proclaim territories, the lovely sound can still comfort my mind and keep me in good mood all day.


    can you (= one) hear loud noise?

    On construction site! I really can't stand the sound of drilling, simply because it's just such a loud and unpleasant noise.



    Describe a street that you like to visit.


    Describe a street that you like to visit. 这是一个新题,题干主体信息是:一个你喜欢逛/经常去的街道。注意这里的审题,如果是特别你喜欢去的街道的话,那么你去的次数从常理上来说应该会很多,因此要注意频率副词的使用,另外虽然题目问的是“street”,有一个最好迁移的点就是,和我们的“shopping mall”商场联系在一起,比如说在商场里,能够购物,能够吃东西,还能和朋友聚在一起,闲逛看电影等等;或者你也可以选择一条僻静的街道,比如公园里的街道,有很多人在这里锻炼身体(stretch their body),街道对面有一个湖泊(go boating on the lake),而在话题卡里给出的我们的4个线索里,最好展开的应该是最后一个:why you like it, 你可以说这个地方给我们的生活提供了很多便利(provide daily necessity/convenience),或者它是一个休闲娱乐的地方(provide recreation);同时你还可以说这个地方,让你真的感到放松(wind down),或者让你的心情平静(find a sense of calmness)。

    在这里,有几个生词来给大家先交代一下,一个是Pedestrian Street 步行街;statue雕像;landmark 地标 barbecued squid 烤鱿鱼 wind down 放松 feel at home 感觉自在

    Sample:The street that I’m fond of visiting is Huangxing Pedestrian Street, located in the middle of Changsha, the capital of Hunan province. The street is about 1 kilometer in length, and there is a metro stop nearby so every weekend I can go there for shopping conveniently. Besides, more than one hundred shops can be found there, including large shopping malls such as Wangfujing, Wanda, as well as modern cafes and bakery shops. The central area contains a small public square with a statue of Huang Xing, the modern revolutionary pioneer, who has devoted all his life to China’s development. Because of Huang Xing’s fame, the street that goes after him has become a landmark in addition, Huangxing Pedestrian Street is also a paradise for us foodies. There are plenty of stalls offering tasty food, such as sushi, smelly tofu, and barbecued squid. You can also notice some western food shops standing at either side of the street, such as Mcdonald’s and Pizza Hut. Every time I go to Huang Xing Pedestrian Street, I could really wind down and feel at home. I can just be a window shopper, wandering down the street, enjoying those colorful and trendy think Huang Xing Pedestrian Street is really appealing, both for the young and the old. Not only does it provide daily necessity for us, but also it offers some recreation for us. That’s the reason why I like visiting there.

    3雅思口语Park/public garden话题

    1. Are there many parks or public gardens where you live (or, in your hometown)?

    首先大家必须要先具备一些关于gardens/parks的词汇:amusement park 游乐园botanic garden 植物园 national park 国家公园theme park 主题公园

    老师在这里以南京玄武湖为例,大家可以结合自己家乡的情况举一些例子,再和考官考官描述公园里有什么、可以做什么、带给你怎样的感觉。I guess there are, there are many parks and public gardens in my hometown, like Xuan Wu park, Mo chou park, and I think the biggest and the most beautiful one is Xuan Wu park, people can do all sorts of things in the park, like jogging, taking a walk, boating and thingslike these. It’s pretty fun for all ages of people.


    2. Do you often/ ever go to a park or a (public) garden?

    trend 趋势

    jog 慢跑walk my dog 遛狗

    square dancing 广场舞


    一种是经常去,可以结合当下比较流行的趋势,朋友圈都很喜欢刷跑步、健身的图片,可以解释为:I definitely often go to a park and/or gardens, the most common thing I would do is to jog there, take a walk after meal since it’s a trend now or just walk my dog in the gardens, so I would spend an hour or two in the park/garden everyday.

    二是不是特别经常去。可以解释为现在很多公园晚上都会有老人们在跳广场舞(你们懂得),会比较嘈杂拥挤,我们会不是很愿意去:I don’t like to go to the park or public garden so often, since the park or public garden nowadays are full of people, mostly elderlies do square dancing there, so I think the park’s environment is not as good as I thought it would be.

    3. When do people go there?

    tourist attractions 旅游景点vibe 氛围,感受natural scenery 自然景观

    这个问题还是比较大的,所以大家可以把人群分类:游客:the tourists from other cities would go there on public holidays, coz the public gardens and parks are tourist attractions, so people would go to the parks and gardens to see the natural scenery and get the city’s vibe.

    老年人:most of the elderly people would spend one hour or two in the early morning or after dinner in the park and public gardens to exercise and do square dancing.

    年轻人:as for the most young people, there is a trend for health-keeping and exercise nowadays, so a lot of young people would choose to jog in the evening, maybe around 8-9pm at night.

    4. Do you think parks and public gardens are important to a city? (Why?/ Why not?)

    这道题还是从正面角度去描述会比较方便:作为城市的风景 as the attractive sceneries of the city作为人们的聚集地 community gather in the parks and gardens作为环保的地域也有好处 green spaces are of great part of the park and public gardens, somehow are beneficial to the environment. Well, I think parks and public gardens are important to a city, as the attractive sceneries of the city, they represent the city and when tourists see the breathtaking views of gardens, they definitely will think highly of the city, besides, as they are the places for the community to gather together, for the kids to play in, for the family to have picnic and BBQs …

    4雅思口语A well known story话题

    Describe a well-known traditional story from your country.

    You should say:

    who told you the story

    when you (first) heard it

    what it was about

    and explain how you felt when you heard this story.



    1.电视剧,名著:《西游记》Journey to the West; 《白蛇传》The Legend of the White Snake;《天仙配》Angel Matches;《三国演义》The Romance of the Three Kingdoms等等。


    3. 传统节日相关,“屈原投江”可以结合传统节日端午节,除夕的故事,“牛郎织女”结合七夕节,“嫦娥奔月”结合中秋节等等。

    当然在网上有很多这样的小故事的英文资料,大家不妨可以搜索一下相关的语料,但是呢,最好能改编成符合自己语言水平的语料,遇到一些特别难的词,不妨做一下同义替换。 今天跟大家分享的一个故事就是一个对中国人都很有特别意义的一个节日:除夕。




    Well, there are lots of traditional stories that are familiar to everyone in China. Some of them are from history books and novels, like Journey to the West, The Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Some are mythology, such as The Legend of the White Snake and Angel Matches. I’d like to tell you a traditional legend story, which is a household story in China. The first time I heard it was on the eve of lunar New Year telling by my dad as a bedside story, maybe before my kindergarten year I guess. I asked my dad why we pasted so many red paper-cuts on the doors and windows. My dad said it is a tradition and then told me a story that I remember very well. Long time ago, there was a mythical beast called the Xi. Xi would come on the first day of New Year to eat livestock, crops, and even villagers, especially children. To protect themselves, the villagers would put food in front of their doors at the beginning of every year. It was believed that after the Xi ate the food they prepared, it wouldn't attack any more people. One day, a villager decided to get revenge on the Xi. A god visited him and told him to put red paper on his house and to place firecrackers. The villagers then understood that the Xi was afraid of the color red. When the New Year was about to come, the villagers would hang red lanterns and red spring scrolls on windows and doors. People also used firecrackers to frighten away the Xi. From then on, Xi never came to the village again. Frankly speaking, when I heard the story I was a little bit frightened by the beast, you know, back then I was a toddler. I was afraid maybe the beast would come and eat me!