  • 终于知道雅思口语话题teamwork

    1 雅思 口语话题teamwork




    when was the last time that you worked with a team?

    Do you like to work or study with others or just by yourself?

    what’s the most important thing for teamwork?

    do you like to be a leader?


    Let me see, just during the summer vacation, I took my first part-time job in a restaurant, which has around 20 employee. we worked together for almost two months. It was really valuable and unforgettable experience for me.

    Personally speaking, I guess I prefer to work or study with a group of people rather than studying on my own. There are some benefits that worth a mention. For example, I can get more ideas and build up my communication skills.

    I guess the communication between team members should be far more central. It is known to us that communication effectiveness between team member can enhance our efficiency in working or studying. In addition, it also can decrease the misunderstanding between team members.

    Well, to be honest, I really want be a leader, but the fact is that being a leader is not my strong suit. personally speaking, i think a leaders should be someone with vision and born leadership, but unfortunately, i was not born with these qualities.

    2雅思口语Environment protect话题

    Is there any pollution in your city?

    ( In Anyang City , pollution is serious. )With the development of modern agriculture and industry, more and more waste is produced. Most of this waste is harmful. It goes into the water , the soil and the air. Especially the air is often made very dirty by factories. In places around big factories , trees and vegetables are often killed by the bad air. Also, when we breathe the air , harm will be done to our health. Fortunately, people are beginning to realize just how serious the whole situation is. Government is taking measures to prevent pollution.

    What has your government done to prevent pollution

    The measures are:

    (1)First, all new projects are to have lower discharge levels ;

    (2)Second, all sources of pollution must be identified and monitored.

    (3)Third, all enterprises should assure a clean and safe work place .

    3雅思口语Person in the news话题

    Describe a person in the news that you would like to meetYou should saywho this person iswhat news you read/watched about this personwhat was the news aboutand explain why you would like to meet this person.



    体育明星,可以是在sports news上看到他获得某个大赛的冠军,然后才知道了他,之前对他一无所知。新闻里面还报道了他是怎么样训练,怎么样厉害,你突然觉得多么崇拜,成了他的粉丝,想见他。相信孙扬、宁泽涛对大部分人来说都是通过这样的途径了解的。

    歌手,也可以如法炮制,可以说是在entertainment news上看到这个歌手得了某个歌唱比赛冠军……

    需要注意的是,这是题目是person和news的结合,如果只讲与人相关的内容,忽略了news,考官很可能认为你是背的另一个人物类话题,硬套过来的。一定要不停地说到你说的所有相关这个人的东西都是从news来的。 语料:与人物相关的语料,每个不同的人物是不一样的,请参考相关话题与news和would like to meet相关的语料:didn’t know… until..., live broadcast, won the championship, gold medal, interview, press conference, on the screen, in-depth coverage, details, training, practice, became a big fan, couldn’t help checking out more information about… on the internet, face to face, in the flesh, in person, sign me an autograph, take a picture, it would be an great honor…


    I’d like to talk about Sun Yang/Ning Zetao, a famous swimmer in China. In fact, I didn’t know him at all until he won the gold medal in a world-class event. As far as I remember it was the Olympics … or the World Championships... I’m not sure. Anyway, I watched the live broadcast, because it was said that he was a promising swimmer. I didn’t know that, because I had never paid much attention to swimming events … you know, Chinese athlete hadn’t won a title in that game before. Anyway, he didn’t let us down. I remember that the TV hostess couldn’t help screaming when he reached the end of the pool first. And then, in the prize presenting ceremony, I finally saw him clearly. I found out that he is really handsome with the goggles and swimming hat and I have to admit that became a crazy fan of him immediately. I watched some of the interviews afterwards as well as some in-depth coverage about his training, his life and things like that. It turns out that he really works hard on his sport. So, obviously, he deserves all that he has got.

    4雅思口语TV drama话题

    1. What shows do old people and young people watch? 老人和年轻人各自看什么节目?

    Oh, I guess old people, first of all, opt for news programs as only news lets them stay informed and up-to-date with what is going on in the area and in the world. They also like to watch all types of programs which help them get entertained and not feel lonely, I mean different talk and talent shows, cookery, programs and other programs about hobbies such as gardening, fishing and travelling. Elderly women also watch soap operas and dramas in order to involve themselves emotionally in something outside themselves while elderly men prefer to watch sporting events to expose themselves to things they enjoyed doing in their young years. I am not sure that young people watch TV these days as the majority of the young think that it's not very meaningful as it leaves people with less time for life, causes unrealistic expectations and is just unable to bring people any of the change they want in their life or in the world. So, I guess that even if young people watch TV, they opt only for entertainment programs like reality, talent and game shows, and maybe programs that feature holiday destinations and travel reviews as let them get a broader understanding of the world they live in.

    2. What is the influence of foreign shows on the shows produced in your country? 外国节目对你们国家制作的节目有什么影响?

    Well, to my mind, foreign shows have tremendous sway with TV shows made in my country as they provide our TV producers with the three most important TV show components, I mean great ideas, the format and interesting content. This influence can hardly be overestimated as altogether these three building blocks improve the quality of shows produced in my country and make them explode with audience activity massive numbers of engagement, is vital for our TV channels and the profit.