  • 总算明白有关交通的英语对话

      A: I'd like to check some luggage to Beijing.   B: How many bags?   A: Two, a suitcase and a monitor.   B: Please show me your ticket and ID card.   Do you want to stow them aboard the train?   A: That will be better.   B: Please fill out this form. This is your luggage claim ticket.   A: When and where can I claim the luggage?   B: At the luggage claim office after you get off the train.   A: OK, thank you. Anything else?   B:Please go over there to weigh the luggage.   A: Will you show me the way?   B: Of course, this way please.
      A:我想把一些行李托运到北京去。   B:几个包裹?   A:两个,一个手提箱和一个显示器。   B:请出示一下你的车票和身份证。你想随车托运吗?   A:那样更好了。   B:请您填一下这个表格。这是你的行李领取牌。   A:我在何时何地能领到行李呢?   B:下车后在行李领取处就能领到。   A:好的,谢谢。还有什么事吗?   B:请到那边称一下行李的重量。   A:你能给我带下路吗?   B:可以,这边走。
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