  • 终于晓得酒吧实用英语

      A: Good evening, sir.   B: Good evening. I'd like a table for two,please.   A: Do you have a reservation, sir?   B: No, I'm afraid not. Can I sit over there?There's a table free by the window.   A: Sorry, sir. That table has been this way, please. How about this one, sir?   B: Fine. I'll sit here.   A: Would you like some drinks?   B: I'll have a double whiskey on the rocks.   A: Right away, sir.   B: Anything new?   A: Not much. As you can see, this place isfull of drunk rowdies as usual. Luckily,no trouble up to now!   B: Who is that guy over there?   A: You mean the one in black suit? He is an editor for a small magazine. I can'tremember the name of the magazine.   He's come here frequently in the past three weeks.   B: So that's it.
      A:晚上好,先生。   B:晚上好。我想要个两人桌。   A:你预定了吗?   B:没有。我能坐那吗?那个靠窗的桌子空着呢。   A:不好意思,先生。那个桌子已经有人预定了。请到这边来,这个位置怎么样?   B:挺好。就这里吧。   A:想喝点什么吗?   B:一杯加冰的双份威士忌、   A:马上好.先生。   B:有什么新鲜事吗?   A:不多。你看到的,像往常一样,这坐挤满了粗暴的醉汉。所幸的是,到现在为止还没出什么乱子。   B:那边边的家伙是谁?   A:你是指那个穿黑色西装的男人吗?他是一家小杂志的编辑。我不记得那个杂志的名字了。这三个星期以来,他经常会来这里。   B:原来如此。
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