  • 总算明了停电英语怎么说

      A: What happened?   B: It's a power outage, obviously.   A: Oh, what am I going to do now? I've to hand in this thesis tomorrow.   B: Where do you keep the flashlight?   A: Somewhere in the basement!   B: Go find it so that I can check the fuse box.   A: It is probably my fault. I shouldn't have plugged four plugs in one socket.   B: This will teach you. Now go get the flashlight.   A: It's too dark. I can't find the way. Don't you have a lighter with you?   B: No, I've quit smoking for over one month. I'm afraid you'll have to grope your way to the basement.   A: Have you found the flashlight?   B: Wait a second... Yes, I've found it.   A: Why don't you turn it on so that you don't have to grope your way back here?   B: I want to, but there are no batteries in the flashlight.
      A:发生了什么事?   B:显然是停电了。   A:哦,那我怎么办?我明天必须把这篇论文交上去。   B:你把手电筒放哪啦?   A:储物间里的某个地方。   B:去把它找出来.我要检查一下保险盒。   A:也许是我的错,我不应该在一个插座上插四个插头。   B:这是给你的教训。现在去把手电筒找出来吧。   A:太黑了,我压根就看不见路。你身上有打火机没?   B:没有,我戒烟都快一个月了。我看你得摸黑去储物间了。   A:找到手电筒了吗?   B:等一会儿。找到了。   A:你为什么不把它打开,这样你就不用再摸黑回这儿了。   B:我想呀.但是手电筒里没电池。
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