  • 终于认识关于新年的英语对话

      A: Hi. Jack, Happy New Year!   B: Hey, the same to you, Louise!   A: Time flies! One year has been a history already!   B: Definitely, it's time to say goodbye to the last year and to say hello to the new year!   A: Yeah. Did you made some good resolutions for this new year?   B: Some resolutions? That's a wonderful idea,but I have no idea yet. How about you?   A: I want to be healthier this year, so I think I should take more exercises.   B: That will be a good job! Anything else?   A: Maybe I should make a plan about learning my calculus, what a mass!   B: Sounds great! Let's go to make our plans!   A: Let's go!
      A:嗨.杰克,新年快乐!   B:嘿,新年快乐,路易丝!   A:时间过得真快!又一年过去了.   B:是啊,是时候和去年说再见迎接新年到来了。   A:你制定了什么新年计划吗?   B:新年计划?这个想法不错啊,但是我还没有想好呢。你呢?   A:我想要更健康,所以我打算多做运动。   B:计划不错!还有吗?   A:也许我要制订计划.好好学习微积分。我的微积分学得实在太烂了。   B:听起来很不错,让我们一起去制订我们的新年计划吧。   A:好的。
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