  • 总算理解法律的英文单词

    法律,是国家的产物,是指统治阶级(统治集团,就是政党, 包括国王、君主),为了实现统治并管理国家的目的,经过一定立法程序,所颁布的基本法律和普通法律。法律是全体国民意志的体现,国家的统治工具。


    abolish v. 废除 action n. 行动 adjective law 【律】程序法 capital punishment 极刑 civil law 民法 criminal n. 犯罪分子,罪犯 criminal law 刑法 death penalty 死刑 detention n. 拘留 divorce n. 离婚 enforcement n. 执行,实施 hardened adj. 坚定的,冷酷无情的 juridical adj. 法律的,诉讼程序的 law n. 法律 legal adj. 法律的;合法的 nationality n. 国籍 perjury n. 伪证 property n. 财产 punitive adj. 刑罚的 rent n. 租金
    [图片0] 情景对话: A: Have you heard about the recent discussion on deathpenalty? B: Death penalty? What about it? A: Some people think we should abolish it, while others hold the opposite opinion. B: Then it involves the alteration of the criminal law. A: Yeah. What's your stance on this issue? B: Well, I think capital punishment is of deterrence to those hardened criminals. But it's just my opinion for the time being, I don't know what the others say. A: I don't know, either. Maybe we can find out later. Well,talking about laws, what do civil laws protect and punish? B: I am not an expert when it comes to the legal system. But I know civil laws mainly protect civil rights. The property law, rent act and nationality law all fall into this category. A: I see. B: Different from civil laws, criminal laws include such laws and acts as the detention act, law of arrest, prison law,etc. A: Got it. Then what about the adjective laws? B: Oh, you got me. 参考译文: A:你听说了近关于死刑的讨论吗? B:死刑?讨论了什么? A:一些人认为我们应该废除死刑,其他人则持不同意见。 B:那这就牵涉到修改刑法了。 A:是啊,你对此问题持何立场呢? B:嗯。我认为极刑对冷酷、死硬的犯罪分子具有震慑作用。不过。这只是我日前一时的看法,我不知道其他人都是怎么看的。 A:我也不清楚,或许我们以后会知道的。讲到法律的话,民法保护哪些权益,又惩处哪些现象呢? B:呵呵,我并不是法津方面的专家,不过我知道民法主要保护的是公民权益。财产法、租赁法、国籍法都属于民法的范围。 A:我明白了。 B:刑法则与民法不同,它囊括的法律、法案涉及拘留、逮捕、监狱等。 A:懂了。那么程序法又是怎么样的呢? B:哦,这下可难倒我了。