  • 终于理解见面时的英语对话

      A:Hello, David,good to see you again.   B:Hello,Tom. How's business?   A:Oh,can't complain.   B:And the family?   A:Fine, thanks.   B:Good. Tom,I'd like to introduce a colleague,Quentin Richardson.   Quentin's just joined us from EA,and he served for after you from now on.   He'll be your day-to-day contact.   C: Hello,Mr. Thomas.   A: Tom, please.“Mr. Thomas" makes me sound old.   C: Fine,Tom. I'm Quentin. I look forward to working with you.   B:I want you to take good,of him,Quentin. He is one of our best customers.   C:I'll do my best.   B:I'm sure you will,Quentin.   C:Well,to start the ball rolling, how about having lunch together?   A:You know all my favorite restaurants, David.
      A:您好,大卫,很高兴再次见到您。   B:您好,汤姆,生意怎么样?   A:噢,还不错。   B:家人怎么样?   A:很好,谢谢。   B:好的,汤姆,我给你介绍一位同事,昆汀·理查德森。昆汀刚刚从EA公司来到我们公司工作,从现在起,他将为您服务。他是您的日常联络员。   C:您好,托马斯先生。   A:请叫我汤姆吧,“托马斯先生”听起来老气横秋的。   C:好的,汤姆,我叫昆汀。我盼望和您一起工作。   B:昆汀,我想让你好好关照他。他是我们比较好的客户之一。   C:我会尽力的。   B:昆汀,我想你会的。   C:那么,作为开始,我们先一起吃个午饭怎么样?   A:大卫,你可知道我爱去的饭店。
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