  • 终于理会确定用英语怎么说

      表示十分确信的说法有很多,仅仅sure一词就用法多多,比如be sure,quite sure, be dead sure三个表达确信的程度依次递进。后一个竟然用dead(死)来表达,足见确信程度之深。
      熟人之间   A:Have you heard that John has fallen from the tall oak tree in the backyard?   B: God!Is it serious?   A: Believe it or not,he is as strong as a horse and he has nothing hurt.   B :Are you kidding?   A: No kidding!I saw it with my own eyes.
      A:你听说约翰从后院的那棵橡树上摔下来了吗?   B:天哪,严不严重?   A:信不信由你,他毫发未损,体壮如牛呢。   B:你开玩笑吧!   A:绝不开玩笑!我亲眼所见。
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