  • 总算懂了怀疑英语怎么说

      当我们对一件事情表示怀疑的时候,常常会用到“Really?"(真的吗?)"Are you joking?"(开玩笑吧?)此外,眼睛也能够说话,西方人更重视眼神交流.用眼睛发言。对话2中Why are you staring at me?这句话就说明了这一点。
      值得与否   A:We're on the same team here,Alvin. I'm being nice because we need to get along together.   B:I know you,Ina. You're only nice when you want something.   A: If we want to beat Web Tracker, we're going to have to work hand in hand.   B:To be honest,I'm starting to wonder if its worth it.   A:You'd rather lose to Web Tracker than do things my way.   B:You said it, not me.
      A:我们是在同一条船上,阿尔文。我对你好是因为我们需要相处。   B:我知道你的把戏,艾娜。你有所求的时候才会对人好。   A:若我们想要打败“网络搜寻家”,就得携手共事。   B:老实说,我开始在怀疑这是否值得。   A:你宁愿败给“网络搜寻家”,也不愿照我的方法做事。   B:这是你说的,我可没吭声。
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