  • 终于懂得判断英语怎么说

      形成选择   A:What have you decided about going to New Orleans?   B:I can go if I'm back by the 15th.   A: But Joe said we will not be back until 16th.   B:In that case,Iwill not go.   A:OK, tell me if you won't go.   B:No problem.
      A:去新奥尔良你考虑得怎么样了?   B:十五号之前我能回来的话我就去。   A:可乔说我们十六号才能回来。   B:如果这样的话,我不去了。   A:好,如果你不想去的话告诉我一下。   B:没问题。
      子女教育   A:I made a wrong decision.   B:Did you? What do you mean?   A:I should not have sent my daughter to go to the boarding school. Sheseems a stranger to me now.   B:Irs not late to say that. Just bring her back to you.   A:Yes, I will.
      A:我做了错的决定。   B:是吗?你什么意思?   A:我不应该把我女儿送到国外的学校去。现在她对我就像是个陌生人。   B:现在做还不晚。把她带回来吧。   A:我会的。
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