  • 终于明了分手英语



    Lillian : Let' s part.
    Tom: Why?
    Lillian: What you did make me disappointed with you.
    Tom: You can tell me wherever I did wrong.

    Lillian: It' s useless. We have little in common.
    Tom: But you said you loved me.
    Lillian: Yes. But love wouldn' t do all the things.

    Tom: Why do we have to part?
    Lillian: Staying together can just make us sorrow.
    Tom: Why did you say so?
    Lillian: I would like my husband to be patient, mature.

    Tom: I' I I try my best, my dear.
    Lillian: I can' t stand your selfish.
    Tom: That' s because I love you. Love makes me selfish.

    Lillian: I wouldn' t believe.
    Tom:My honey!
    Lillian:Forget me, please.

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