  • 总算认识结婚纪念日用英语怎么说


    结婚纪念日用英语怎么说——Wedding anniversary

    Jack:Here is to our fifth wedding anniversary.
    Lillian:I' m so moved that you still remember it.
    Jack:Of course I do .I can remember the moment you married me .People' s eyes are all focused on you.

    Lillian:I missed my beautiful wedding dress.
    Jack:You looked like an angel in it .I won' t forget your beauty.
    Lillian:I never regret getting married with you.

    Jack: are living a happy life from that time.
    Lillian:I' m thankful for our son .He makes our life more interesting.
    Jack:It' s you who support me whenever I have trouble.

    Lillian:We have indeed experienced many things together.
    Jack:You are my immortality, my darling .I love you.
    Lillian:I love you.

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