  • 总算明白元宵节英语对话


    元宵节英语对话——Lantern Festival

    Lillian:What are you doing on the computer?
    Jessica:Come and have a look .I received some nice e一 come from my friends all over the world .Happy Lantern Festival to all my friends.

    Lillian:It' s very interesting .Did you get one from Jack? The reason I ask is that I' m looking for his QQ number.
    Jessica:Sorry, I don' t have it .But I do have his MSN .Do you want me to send it to you?

    Lillian:Yeah, that would be great .Thanks.
    Jessica:I' II send you his can communicate with him by the MSN.
    Lillian:Thank you a million.
    Jessica:It' s my pleasure.

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