  • 总算认识市场营销的英语


      相关词汇   advertising n. 广告   appearance n. 外观   brand n. 品牌   brand strategy 品牌策略   competitive adj. 有竞争力的   competitor n. 竞争对手   concept n. 观念   consumer n. 消费者   customer n. 顾客   discrimination pricing 差别定价   diversity n. 多样性   market positioning strategy 市场定位策略.   market research 市场调研   market targeting strategy 目标市场策略   marketer n. 营销者   marketing n. 市场营销   marketing program 市场营销方案   popularity n. 受欢迎,普及   product n. 产品   publicity n. 宣传
    [图片0]   情景对话:   A: So, have you finished the market research?   B: Yes. Here is the report for you.   A: OK. Well…you made a comparison between our products and those of our main competitors.   B: Yes. The main question we asked was how people would respond to our new products coming in the market.   A: Well, it seems our new products are more competitive.   B: Right. about 70% interviewees like our products and only 15% of them aren't interested at all.   A: What do consumers think of our products compared with our competitors?   B: Our products enjoy high popularity among consumers.   Our products have superior quality, beautiful style and reasonable price. However, some consumers don't think there're enough options.   A: All right. I think we should hold a meeting to discuss this problem in detail.   B: OK.
      A:那么.你已经完成了市场调研的相关工作了.是吗?   B:是的。这是调研报告,请您过目。   A:好的。嗯……你把我们的产品以及我们主要竞争对手的产品进行了比较。   B:是的。我们调查的主要问题是人们对于我们即将上市的新产品的反响如何。   A:嗯,看起来我们的产品更具竞争力啊。   B:您说得对。百分之七十的受访者喜欢我们的产品,只有百分之十五的人表示完全不感兴趣。   A:与竞争对手们的产品相比,消费者们如何看待我们的产品呢?   B:由于我们的产品质量高、款式漂亮、价格合理,在消费者中深受欢迎。然而,还有一些消费者认为我们产品的品种不够多样化。   A:好吧。我想我们应该召开一次会议详细讨论一下这个问题。   B:好的。