  • 终于理解实用会计英语


      相关词汇   account n. 账   accountant n 会计师   accounting n. 会计学,清算账目   accounting analysis 会计分析   accounting system 会计系统   balance sheet 资产负债表   bookkeeping n. 记账,管账   capital gain 资产增益   clear v. 结算   CPA/Certificate Public Accountant 注册会计师.   finance budget 财务预算   financial statement 财务报表   income statement 利润表   internal auditing 内部审计   liabilities n. 负债   monthly statement 月结单   revenue n. 收入   stockholders' equity 股东权益   transaction n. 事务,交易
    [图片0]   情景对话:   A: Hi, Mary, long time no see. I've heard you've found anew job. What is it?   B: It's the position of bookkeeping in a company.   A: Oh, you mean you're an accountant now, right?   B: No. There's great difference between a bookkeeper and an accountant. You know, in a sense, the workof bookkeeping is only a small and simple part of accounting. It's only to record transactions.   A: So, accounting is a highly technical job, isn't it?   B: Yes. Being an accountant is much more difficult than becoming a bookkeeper. Generally speaking, it takes several years' efforts to become a qualified accountant, letalone a good CPA.   A: Oh, I see. Then, accounting must be very important fora corporation.   B: Right. Accountants do the internal auditing work and make the financial statement regularly to provide information to internal managers, stockholders, government, etc. So,accounting is a busy and hard job indeed.
      参考译文:   A:嗨,玛丽,好久不见了。我听说你找了一份新工作。   是什么样的工作呀?   B:是在一家公司做记账员。   A:哦,你的意思是你现在是一名会计师了,是吗?   B:不是的。记账员和会计师之间还是有很大区别的。   你知道吗,在某种意义L说,记账只是会计工作中很小又很简单的一部分,只负责对交易进行记录。   A:这么说来,会计是一项高技术工作是吗?   B:是的。与成为一名记账员相比,要成为一名会计师要难得多。一般来说,得经过几年的努力才可能成为一名合格的会计师,更不用说成为一名注册会计师了。   A:哦,我明白了。那么,对于一家公司来说,会计工作一定是非常重要的了。   B:是的。会计师们不仅要为公司做内部审计工作,还要经常为公司的经理、股东以及政府部门等制作财务报表。所以,会计确实是一项忙碌又劳累的工作。