  • 终于理会修车厂的英文


      相关词汇   battery n. 电池   car jack 千斤顶   car parts 汽车零件   checkup n. 检查   electric machine 发电机   engine n. 发动机   garage n. 修车厂   hood n. 引擎盖   puncture v. 刺破   repair n. & v. 修理   stick film 贴膜   strand v. 使滞留,使搁浅   technician n. 技师   tow v. 拖动   tyre/tire n 轮胎   warranty 担保   wax v. 给……打蜡   wheel n. 车轮   windscreen/windshield n. 挡风玻璃   wiper n. 雨刮器
    [图片0]   情景对话:   A: May I help you, Miss?   B: Yes. My car broke down just now. I've just have it towed here. Can you work on it right away?   A: OK   B: What's wrong with it?   A: I can't tell you now. Maybe there's something wrong with the engine, electric machine or battery. I need to dosome examination. Shall I take a look at the engine?   B: Sure. Go ahead. Do I need to pop the hood open for you?   A: Oh, of course not, Miss, I'll do it myself. Well... the engine is all right. Let me check the battery... oh, your battery is broken. You need a new one.   B: All right. Anything else?   A: Let me see... everything is normal except the battery.   B: All right. Can you fix it up right now?   A: Yes. Just half an hour.   B: OK, I'll wait here.   A: Please have a rest in the waiting room. I'll let you know when I finish it.   B: Thank you.
      参考译文:   A:有什么能为您效劳的吗,小姐?   B:是的。我的车刚刚抛锚了,被拖到了这里。你能立刻就帮我修理一下吗?   A:好的。   B:出了什么问题了呢?   A:我现在还无法告诉你。有可能是发动机、发电机或者电池出了问题。我需要做一下检查。我能看一下发动机吗?   B:当然可以。请看吧。要我帮你把引擎盖打开吗?   A:哦,当然不用你帮忙了,小姐,我自己可以的。嗯……发动机没问题。我检查一下电池……噢。你的电池坏了,要换新的了。   B:好吧。还有其他问题吗?   A:让我看一下……除了电池之外.一切正常。   B:好的。你能现在就开始修理吗?   A:行。半个小时就可以修好。   B:好的,我在这里等吧。   A:请到会客室休息一下吧。我修好会通知你的。   B:谢谢。