  • 终于晓得睡眠英语怎么说

      相关词汇   awake adj.醒着的   black eyes 黑眼圈   clock n. 闹钟   count sheep 数羊   dream v.做梦   fall asleep 睡着   get up 起床   go to bed 上床睡觉   insomnia n. 失眠   nightmare n. 梦魇;噩梦   oversleep v. 睡过头   quilt n. 被(子);被褥   sleeping pill 安眠药(片)   sleepless adj. 失眠的,不眠的,醒着的   sleepwalk n. & v. 梦游   sleepy adj.想睡的,磕睡的,困乏的   stressed out 筋疲力尽   stretch v. 伸(懒腰)   tired adj. 疲倦的   yawn v.打呵欠
    [图片0]   情景对话   A: Good morning, Mike.   B: Morning, Kate.   A: You look sleepy with black eyes, and I see you yawn and stretch all the time. You didn't sleep well last night?   B: Not at all. I suffered insomnia last night. I was always sleepless. In the past, I always overslept. My mom told me that sometimes I even sleepwalk. It's so hard for me to fall asleep.   A: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.   B: Do you know how I can sleep well?   A: Well, I think you should go to bed early every night.   And drink some milk before bed. After that, if you still can't sleep, try to count sheep.   B: I tried that. But it didn't work.   A: Oh, if so, try to take a few sleeping pills, but not too many.   B: OK, I will try. But are sleeping pills safe?   A: Not really. Or you can try to work very hard during the day to make yourself feel really tired, to some extent,stressed out. Maybe it will make you sleep well.   B: Alright. I'll try every means. Thank you very much.   A: You are welcome.
      参考译文   A:早上好,迈克。   B:早上好,凯特。   A:你有黑眼圈,看起来很困的样子啊,而且还一直打哈欠、伸懒腰。你昨天晚上没有睡好?   B:没有。我昨晚失眠了。我经常睡不着。过去我总是睡过头。我妈告诉我说有时候我甚至还梦游。(而现在)要睡着对我来说太难了。   A:噢,我很遗憾听到你这样说。   B:你知道我怎么才能睡好吗?   A:我觉得你每天晚上应该早点睡觉。睡觉前喝点儿牛奶。之后,如果你还是睡不着,试试数羊。   B:我试过了。但是那不管用。   A:哦,如果是这样,那就试试服几片安眠药,但不宜太多。   B:好,我试试看。但是安眠药安全吗?   A:并不是安全。或者你可以试试白天尽可能努力工作让自己感觉很累,累到精疲力竭。或许这样可以让你睡好。   B:好吧。我会尝试各种办法的。非常感谢你。   A:不客气。