  • 终于清楚门诊常用英语

      相关词汇   watch the situation of patients' body 望,观察患者身体状况.   listen to the sound of patients 闻.听患者的声音.   ask the patients for their body's situation 问.询问病人身体状况.   feel the pulse of patients 切.把脉   clinic n. 诊所   doctor n. 医生   examine v.检查,诊察   face mask 面罩   hospital bed 病床   medical record 病历   nurse n. 护士   painful adj. 痛的.痛苦的   patient n. 病人   phony n. 骗子   professional adj. & n. 职业(上)的,专家.   pulse n. 脉搏   registration sheet 挂号单   stethoscope n. 听诊器    weight scale 体重秤   wheelchair 轮椅
    [图片0]   情景对话   A: Hey, Susan, you want to hear something funny?   B: Always.   A: OK. Yesterday I got a cold, and I felt painful in mystomach, so I went to the clinic in our neighborhood At first, when I went into the clinic, everything seemed normal. There was a nurse beside a doctor. The doctor got a stethoscope around his neck, and he wore a facemask. He was typing something in a computer.   B: Hmm, everything sounded fine   A: Then he came to examine me. But he didn't use his stethoscope. Nor did he use a Chinese way. If he did, he should have watched the situation of my body, listened to my sound, asked me for my body's situation and felt my pulse, right? But instead, he did nothing.   B: That was strange.   A: Yes. At that time, I found there was nothing on his computer. Then I realized he was not a professional doctor. He was a phony.   B: Really? What did you do next?   A: I went home quickly and called the police.   B: What happened to them finally?   A: They were fined and ran away.
      参考译文:   A:嘿,苏珊。你想听点有趣的事情吗?   B:当然。   A:好。昨天我感冒了。而且有点胃疼.所以我就去了我们小区的诊所。开始当我到诊所的时候.一切看起来都还正常。里面有一个医生.旁边有个护士。那个医生脖子上挂了个听诊器。还戴了口罩.他在电脑上打着什么东西.   B:嗯。一切听起来都还好啊。   A:然后他就开始给我做检查.但是他没用听诊器.也没有用中医的方法.如果他用了.他应该望、闻、问、切,对吧?但是他什么也没做.   B:那就奇怪了.   A:是的。就在那个时候.我发现电脑上什么都没有.接下来我意识到他并不是一个专业的医生。他是个骗子。   B:真的吗?你后来怎么做的呢?   A:我赶紧回家了.然后打电话给警察.   B:后来呢?   A:他们被罚款了.后来逃跑了.