  • 终于知道酒店服务英语口语

    叫早服务,又称叫醒服务,morning call,一般是指酒店为方便客人,提供的定时叫醒服务。宜昌韦博英语小编为您整理酒店服务英语口语。


    A: We need to catch a plane tomorrow morning. What if we can't wake up on the time? B: Set the clock. A: I'm afraid it can't wake us up. B: Why not ask the reception for help? A: That's a good idea. C: Hello. Can I help you? A: Yes. We have to catch a plane tomorrow morning. C: Do you want me to arrange a car to bring you to the airport? A: No. I wonder it your hotel has the morning call service. C: Yes. At what time would you like us to call you tomorrow morning? A: Half past five. C: Room 706, right? A: Yes. And by phone. I don't want to disturb my neighbors. C: I see.


    A:我们明天早上要赶飞机。起不来怎么办? B:定闹钟。 A:恐怕它没法叫醒我们。 B:为什么不让酒店前台帮我们呢? A:这是个好主意。 C:您好。需要什么服务? A:我们明早要赶飞机。 C:是要我订车送您去机场吗? A:不,不需要。不知道你们饭店是否有叫早服务。 C:有的。您想让我们明天早上什么时候叫醒您? A:5点半。 C: 706房间。是吗? A:是的。请用电话叫我们。我不想吵醒邻居。 C:我明白了。 以上就是宜昌韦博英语为您分享的酒店服务英语口语,既然要学英语,就把青春托付给值得信任的机构,欢迎来到宜昌韦博英语。