  • 终于知晓搬家用英文怎么说

      相关词汇   adjust v.适应   clean up 打扫,整理   deal with 处理,对付,安排   donate v.捐   furniture n.家具   house-warming 乔迁聚会   lifestyle n.生活方式   luggage n.行李   miss v.想念   move v.搬家   mover n. 搬家工人   moving company 搬家公司   neighbor n.邻居   neighborhood n. 邻近地区;街区   new environment 新环境   new home 新家   new life 新生活   resident n. 居民   truck n. 卡车   welcome v.欢迎
    [图片0]   情景对话:   A: Hurry up, honey, the moving company has sent a truck to our home. Have you cleaned up all the things?   B: Almost. Just a moment. There are some books which I want to donate to the library. And there is much rubbish I have to deal with.   A: All right. Where are the kids?   B: They are playing in the playground. How naughty they are! Maybe they are too excited. OK, go to tell our parents to be ready! What are they doing now?   C: What a busy day! I really don't want to move. You know,if we move, we have to adjust to a new environment. We will move to a new neighborhood, and we will have new neighbors.   D: Yes, I have got used to the lifestyle here. I have my own friends. If we move, I will really miss here.   A: Come on, mom and dad. We have to face our new life.   We have to move forward. Our new home will be better.   C: I know. But I just can't imagine what kind of residents we will meet.   A: Don't worry about that. We will have a house-warming party to get to know the neighbors. You will make new friends.   C: Fine. I'll try my best.   D: Oh, the luggage is too heavy. Come to help.   A: Be careful of the furniture. It's fragile. And don't worry about it; we will ask the movers to move them. Just go ahead to the truck.
      参考译文:   A:赶紧,亲爱的,搬家公司的卡车已经来了。你收拾完了吗?   B:差不多了,再等一会儿.有些书我想捐到图书馆.还有些垃圾要处理。   A:好吧。孩子们呢?   B:他们在院子里玩.真是淘气,也许他们是太兴奋了。好了,去告诉爸妈准备一下。他们在干吗呢?   C:真是忙碌的一天啊。我真不想搬。你知道的,如果我们搬了。我们得适应一个新的环境。我们要搬到一个新的小区,我们也会有新的邻居。   D:是的,我已经适应了这里的生活方式了。我有自己的朋友。如果我们搬走了,我会很想念这里的。   A:别这样了,爸妈.我们得适应新生活了。我们应该朝前看。我们的新家会更好的。   C:我知道。但是我没法想象我们会遇到什么样的居民。   A:不用担心。我们会举办一个乔迁聚会来认识这些邻居。你们也会交到新朋友的。   C:好吧。我会尽力的。   D:哦,这行李太重了。来帮帮忙.   A:小心点,这些家具很容易碎的。您别费心了,我们去叫搬家工人搬。你们还是先上卡车吧。