  • 终于发现买化妆品英语对话


    [图片0] 买化妆品英语对话--对话练习

    A: How can I help you? B: I would like to look at your products. A: We have a full range of products from cosmetics to skin cleansers and moisturizers. B: What kinds of foundation do you have? A: Our foundation is of very high quality. only the finest ingredients. B: What colors do you have? A: We have this rose color and different shades of beige. B: The color I use now is much does this beige foundation cost? A: In this size, we sell it for $. B: That's expensive. A: It deserves it. B: I understand. And I like it. A: Would you buy it? B: Yes. I'll take it.


    A:我可以为您效劳吗? B:我想看看你们的产品。 A:我们有一系列的产品。从化妆品到洗面奶和润肤霜。 B:你们有哪些粉底呢? A:我们的粉底质量非常好。都是用比较好的原料制成的。 B:有哪些颜色的粉底呢? A:我们有这种玫瑰色,还有不同深浅的米色。 B:我现在用的是米色。这种米色的粉底多少钱? A:这种大小的是48美元85美分。 B:太贵了。 A:物有所值。 B:我知道。我很喜欢。 A:您要买吗? B:是的。我买。 以上就是马鞍山韦博英语培训中心为您分享的买化妆品英语对话,既然要学英语,就把青春托付给值得信任的机构,欢迎来到马鞍山韦博英语培训中心。