  • 终于理会餐具用英语怎么说


    [图片0] 餐具用英语怎么说--对话练习

    A: Excuse me! B: Sir, is there anything I can do for you? A: Yes, my son broke this spoon. I'm terribly sorry. B: It doesn't matter. I'll bring you another one. A: Do you have a plastic spoon? B: I'll have a look in the wait a moment. A: Do I need to pay for the spoon? B: I'm afraid the answer is “yes”. A: OK, how much is it? B: Sorry, I don't know. But I'll ask the manager. A: And is this set of tableware for sale? B: Yes. You can talk to the cashier. A: Well, that's it. B: I'll pick up the spoon for you right now.


    A:劳驾! B:先生,有什么可以帮助您的吗? A:是的,我儿子打破了这个勺子。我真的很抱歉。 B:没关系。我再给您拿一个。 A:你们有塑料勺吗? B:我去厨房找找。请稍等。 A:我需要为勺子付钱吗? B:恐怕是的。 A:好的,多少钱? B:对不起,我不清楚。我给您问一下经理。 A:这套餐具卖吗? B:是的。您可以和收银员说。 A:好了,没别的事了。 B:我马上去给您拿勺子。 以上就是佛山韦博英语培训中心为您分享的餐具用英语怎么说,既然要学英语,就把青春托付给值得信任的机构,欢迎来到佛山韦博英语培训中心。