  • 总算清楚难吃的英语

    [图片0] 难吃的英语--对话练习

    A: I am very unhappy with the food here. B: What is wrong? A: I am very disappointed with your food! B: I am sorry. Which dish are you not satisfied with? A: None of them can be called food. They are not edible! B: Calm down, sir. I will let our manager deal with it. A: And why is the inside of the meatball still frozen? I'll pay for my meal, but this does not deserve my payment! C: Good afternoon, sir. I am the manager. I am sorry for the food. A: I cannot take apologies any more. The food here is terrible! C: I understand. Please wait for another 5 minutes. We will serve you a new round of dishes. A: will give you another chance. C: Thanks. And here is a free apple juice. Please enjoy.


    A:我对你们的饭菜很不满意。 B:有什么问题吗? A:我对你们的食物太失望了! B:很抱歉。您不满意哪道菜呢? A:没有一道菜能被称为食物。都不能吃啊! B:您别生气,先生。我会让经理来处理。 A:还有,为什么肉丸里面还是冰冻的?我花钱在这儿吃饭,但是这样的饭菜不值得我花钱。 C:下午好,先生。我是经理,对今天的饭菜我很抱歉。 A:我不想再听道歉的话了。这里的饭菜太难吃了! C:我理解您的感受。请您再等5分钟,您点的这些菜会重新给您做。 A:好吧,我就再给你们一次机会。 C:谢谢,这是我们为您提供的免费的苹果汁,请用。 学习就是这么简单,轻松,想要给自己英语提升,上面就是我们东莞韦博英语培训中心为您分享的难吃的英语的实用对话,想要和我们一起轻松快乐的学习专业英语,欢迎来到东莞韦博英语培训中心。