  • 终于找到英语景点介绍

    [图片0] 英语景点介绍--对话练习

    A: What are you going to do in the summer? B: I am planning a trip to the United States. A: That's cool. So how long will you stay in the .? B: 2 weeks by myself. Hey, would you recommend some places of interest for me? A: Sure. Do you prefer natural scenery or cultural heritage? B: I guess natural scenery, like Yellowstone National Park. A: Hmm, let me think. You can go to the states in the southwest, like Arizona. And you can visit desert and canyons there. B: Sounds like an adventure. I am really excited about that. A: You'd better join a tour group. And there are some groups at the can reserve when you check in. B: Great. A: And you'd better start some physical exercise now. B: That's so nice of you.


    A:夏天你打算做什么? B:我正在计划去美国旅行。 A:不错,你打算在美国呆多长时间? B:自己呆两周。嘿,你能给我推荐一些旅游景点吗? A:没问题,你喜欢自然景观还是人文景观? B:自然景观吧,像黄石国家公园那种。 A:嗯,我想一想。你可以去西南部的州,像亚利桑那州。你可以去那里的沙漠和峡谷。 B:好像探险一样,听起来很让人激动。 A:你比较好是跟团去。有一些酒店会有这种团,你可以在住进去的时候直接预订。 B:太好了。 A:你比较好现在就开始锻炼。 B:你真是太好了。 学习就是这么简单,轻松,想要给自己英语提升,上面就是我们深圳韦博英语培训机构为您分享的英语景点介绍的实用对话,想要和我们一起轻松快乐的学习专业英语,欢迎来到深圳韦博英语培训机构。