  • 终于知晓看篮球比赛用英语怎么说

    [图片0] 看篮球比赛用英语怎么说--对话练习

    A: Thanks for inviting me to the game. B: You're welcome. So who's your favorite basketball star? A: Yao Ming. He is my hero. B: Yes, I like Yao Ming, too. Oh, here are our seats. Hey, the fourth row. Pretty good. A: We are a little bit late now. What's the score? I cannot see it from here. B: It's one-nothing, the East. Go, East! I am a huge East fan! No, the West got the ball. A: The West made a score. It's now a tie, 1-1. B: Shh, the East team got the ball,go, go! Come on! Hook shot! A: Score? Oh, no, so close. A double-team blocked him. I am waiting for a three-point shot. B: The forward just got to the three-point line. A: It's running out of time. B: Wait and see. A: I bet the winner will be the East.


    A:谢谢你邀请我来看比赛。 B:不客气。那你喜欢的篮球明星是谁? A:姚明。他是我的英雄。 B:是的,我也喜欢姚明。哦,我们的座位到了。嘿,是第四排,真不错。 A:我们有点晚了。比分是多少?在这儿我看不到。 B:一比零,东部队领先。东部队加油!我是东部队的粉丝。哦,不,西部队拿到球了。 A:西部队得分了,平手了。一比一。 B:嘘,东部队拿到球了,加油!来个勾手投篮! A:得分了?哦,没有,差一点。双人夹击挡住他了。我在等三分球。 B:前锋已经踏进三分球界线了。 A:快没时间了。 B:等着看吧。 A:我猜一定是东部队赢。