  • 总算懂得亲属英语怎么说

      相关词汇   aunt 婶母,伯母,舅母,姑母,姨母   blood brother 亲兄弟,结拜兄弟   blood sister 亲姐妹   brother n. 兄弟   brotherhood n. 手足情,兄弟之情   cousin [表]兄弟姐妹   distant cousin 远房表兄妹   grandchild n. 孙子/女   grandparent n. 祖父/母   great-grandchild n. 曾孙子/女   great-grandparent n. 曾祖父/母   great-great-child n. 玄孙子/女   great-great-grandparent n. 高曾祖父/母   half brother 同父异母兄弟,同母异父兄弟.   half sister 同父异母姐妹,同母异父姐妹.   nephew n. 侄,外甥   niece n. 侄女,外甥女   sister n. 姐妹   twin brother 双胞胎兄弟   uncle n.叔父,伯父,舅父,姑父,姨父
    [图片0]   情景对话:   A: Hey, sister. I want to test your IQ. You ready?   B: Sure, go ahead.   A: Who am I?   B: Ah, this is a question? You are my brother, my blood brother, of course.   A: You are right. OK, move on, if my mom is not your mom, but my father is your father, who am I then?   B: You are my half brother, I am your half sister, right?   A: Yes. The third one is if we were born at the same time,who am I?   B: Simple, you are my twin brother.   A: Right again. Next one is if you were born by my daughter, who am I then?   B: Er. You are my grandparent. I am your grandchild.   A: Great. if you were born by my granddaughter, who am I?   B: You are my great一grandparent. I am your great-grandchild.   A: OK. How do you call our father's brother and sister?   B: Uncle and aunt!   A: What about their children?   B: They are our cousins.   A: Then what about their children's children?   B: Their daughters are our nieces and their sons are our nephews. Am I right?   A: You're amazing!   B: Well, a piece of cake.
      参考译文:   A:嘿,姐姐,我想测试下你的智商。你准备好了吗?   B:好了,开始吧.   A:我是谁?   B:哈,这也叫问题?你是我的弟弟啊,我的亲弟弟啊。   A:对了。好的,继续,如果我妈妈不是你的妈妈.但是我的爸爸是你爸爸,那我又是谁?   B:你是我同父异母的弟弟,我是你同父异母的姐姐.对吧?   A:是的。第三个问题,如果我们同时出生,那我是谁?   B:简单嘛,你是我的双胞胎兄弟嘛。   A:又答对了。下一个.如果你是我女儿生的,那我是谁?   B:额,你是我的外祖父,我是你的外孙女。   A:不错。那如果你是我的孙女生的呢?那我又是谁?   B:你是我的曾祖父嘛。我是你的曾孙女。   A:好的。那你怎么称呼我们父亲的弟弟或者妹妹?   B:叔叔和姑姑。   A:他们的孩子呢?   B:他们的孩子是我们的堂兄弟姐妹或表兄弟姐妹。   A:那他们孩子的孩子呢?   B:他们孩子的女儿是我们的侄女或外甥女,他们孩子的儿子是我们的侄子或外甥,对吗?   A:你太棒了。   B:简直小菜一碟。