  • 总算找到饺子用英语怎么说

      相关词汇   beef dumpling 牛肉饺子   cabbage n. 卷心菜   celery dumpling 芹菜饺子   dough n. 生面团   dumpling n. 饺子   filling n. 饺子馅   flour n. 面粉   ginger n. 姜,生姜   horizontally adv. 水平地,横地   leek dumpling 韭菜饺子   mutton n. 羊肉   pepper n. 胡椒粉   pork dumpling 猪肉饺子   press v.按,压,捏   rolling pin 擀面棒   seafood dumpling 三鲜饺子   sesame oil 芝麻油   shepard's purse dumpling 韭菜饺子   soy sauce 酱油   spinach dumplings 菠菜饺子
    [图片0]   情景对话:
      A: Son, what do you want to have for lunch?   B: Dumplings.   A: What? Dumplings?   B: Chinese boiled dumplings are delicious.   A: You got it. I'll teach you how to make dumplings then.   B: Cool!   A: First, make the filling. You can choose your favorite meat, say pork, beef, or mutton, chop it up and mix it with chopped cabbage.   B: How about seasonings?   A: Yes, seasonings! We can put salt, soy sauce, pepper, sesame oil, and ginger into the filling to get our favorite flavor.   B: Sounds easy! What's the next step?   A: Second, make the dough me show you how to make the dough into nice round pieces with a rolling pin.   B: Wow, amazing!   A: Finally comes the stage of folding the dough to make dumplings. You should hold a dough piece horizon tally in your left hand, put a suitable amount of filling onto the central part, fold the side around the filling, press the upper-central part of it firmly and make firm and nicelace from left to right.
      参考译文:   A:儿子,中午想吃什么?   B:饺子。   A:什么?饺子?   B:中国的煮饺子好吃极了。   A:好吧。那我就来教你做饺子。   B:太好了!   A:首先,要做馅。选一种自己喜欢的肉,猪肉、牛肉或羊肉;然后,把肉切块剁碎;把肉糜和剁碎的卷心菜一起搅拌均匀。   B:那调味料呢?   A:对,还有调味料!按照自己喜欢的口味往搅拌好的馅料里加人盐、酱油、胡椒、芝麻油和生姜等.   B:听起来挺容易的!下一步呢?   A:第二步,做饺了皮。让我来演示一下如何用擀面杖把面团搓成漂亮的圆形的饺子皮。   B:哇,真不赖!   A:后,就是包饺子了。左手水平拿好一块饺子皮,把适量的饺子馅放在皮的中问。然后,把饺子皮对折,把馅包起来,从左至右,把饺子皮捏牢,记得要捏出漂亮的褶子哦。