  • 终于发现交通堵塞的英语


    交通堵塞的英语——Traffic Jam

    Linda : What happened?
    Mike : We' re stuck again.
    Linda : Why are we so unfortunate? I am really fed up with traffic jams.

    Mike : Everybody here is in the traffic jam, not only you and me.
    Linda : But it' s the fifth time this week that we have been caught in the traffic jam.
    Mike : It' s not use complaining . It' s the rush hour now.

    Linda : I' II be late again . Why are there so many cars on the road?
    Mike : Calm down, honey . Do you forget we are in New York?
    Linda : There is always traffic problem in big cities.

    Mike : So I' ve been used to the traffic jam.
    Linda : I' II take the subway tomorrow . It is much faster than driving cars.
