  • 终于知道礼仪的英语

      高频词汇   handshake n.握手   hug n.拥抱   kiss n.吻   toast n.干杯   bow n.鞠躬:弯腰   nod n.点头   tuxedo n.男士无尾半正式晚礼服:无尾礼服   western-style food n.西餐   punctuality n.准时   knife and fork n.刀叉   chopsticks n.筷子   gift n.礼物   Invitation Letter n.邀请函   Thanks Letter n.答谢信   banquet n.宴会
    [图片0]   常用句子   We all appreciate this courtesy.   我们都欣赏这种礼貌举止。
      Good dining etiquette is important to any business meal.   良好的用餐礼仪对任何商业餐宴都很重要。
      Ritual girl is a job that suits beautiful young ladies well.   人们普遍认为礼仪小姐是只适合年轻漂亮姑娘的职业。
      She took part in the reception wearing her finest jewels.   她戴着她比较好的首饰出现在招待会上。
      She will be the hostess tonight.   她将是今晚的女主人。
      Remember to give him a guest list and some practical suggestions.
      不过记得给他一张客人名单和一些有用的建议。   Politeness costs nothing but gains everything.   优雅不会失去什么,却收获了一切。
      Guesthouse is too expensive for the meeting.   在宾馆开会花销太大。
      情景会话   A: Joyce, have you noticed my poor manner in the presentation?   B: You were completely confident. What happened?   A: You didn't see my unease?   B: No! Until half-way, you suddenly became unsure of yourself.   A: Yes. It is because of .   B: What about him?   A: He seems not to be a gentleman, reading his files instead of showing a little bit respect to me.   B: Did you try to ignore that?   A: I tried to ignore his impoliteness, but I failed.   B: Did Mr. Wang do anything else?   A: He is also spinning the chair and looking out the window constantly.   B: Try not to let this upset you too much.   A: Thank you for being so sweet.   B: You are welcome.
      A:乔伊斯,你看到我做报告的时候表现很糟糕了吗?   B:你当时很自信啊,怎么了?   A:你没发现我很不自在吗?   B:没有,但中途你突然就变得不自信了。   A:是的。是因为那个王先生。   B:他怎么了?   A:他一点都不绅士,一直在看他自己的文件,一点也不尊重我。   B:你有试着转移注意力吗?   A:有的,只是失败了。   B:他还有做其他的动作吗?   A:是的,他一直在转他的椅子而且眼睛老看着窗外。   B:不要因为这个太沮丧了。   A:谢谢你这么体贴。   B:没关系。