  • 终于找到汽车故障英语怎么说



    A: What's wrong with the car? B: It was not until you said it that I noticed it. The car makes strange noises. A: The car broke down. B: Bad luck! C: Emergency Road Service. May I help you? B: I've got a flat tire. C: And your name? B: Alan. C: What's the expiration date of your ID card? B: It's July 10, 2015. C: Where is your car now? B: It's in East Street, near the Royal Hotel. C: All right. We'll send a tow truck there within 30 minutes. B: Thank you!


    A:车怎么了? B:你说了我才注意到。车子发出奇怪的声音。 A:车坏了。 B:真倒霉! C:这里是紧急道路服务。我能帮助你吗? B:我车的轮胎瘪了。 C:你叫什么名字? B:艾伦。 C:你的身份证什么时候过期? B:2015年7月10日。 C:你的车现在在哪里? B:在东街,皇家酒店附近。 C:好的,我们会在30分钟内派拖车过去。 B:谢谢!
    以上就是韦博英语为您分享的汽车故障英语怎么说,既然要学英语,就把青春托付给值得信任的机构,欢迎来到韦博英语。 [图片1]