  • 总算理解网络英语口语

      常见词汇   Internet 网络;因特网;国际互联网   website n.网页,网站   webcam n.电脑网络摄像头   laptop bag电脑包   earphone n.耳机   mouse n.鼠标   microphone n.麦克风   email n.电子邮件   computer n.电子计算机,电脑   router n.路由器   modem n.调制解调器   hacker n.黑客   network laye 网络层   online game 网络游戏   folder n.文件夹   network card 网卡   large screen display 大屏幕显示器
    [图片0]   常用句子   Wireless network is available in the library.   图书馆可以无线上网。
      The popularization of internet makes information be spread faster.   网络的普及使得信息传播更加迅速。
      The utilization of internet has brought more convenience to people.   网络的利用给人们带来了更多便利。
      Multimedia is the combination of computer and video technology.   多媒体是计算机和视频技术的结合。
      I like surfing online when I am boring.   无聊的时候我喜欢上网。
      How fast does the new computer process the data?   这台新计算机处理数据有多快?
      I am a highly trained system analyst.   我是受过严格培训的系统分析员。
      The information technology has been more important nowadays for rapid development of internet.   现在信息技术对于网络的迅速发展越来越重要。
      情景会话   A: Hi! How do you do?   B: Fine. Thanks. I'm so happy because it is weekend.   A:What do you usually do on the weekend? I think it is boring on the weekend.   B:I like to surf on the Internet. I think there is a lot of fun on the can have a try.   A: Well, I don't like to surf on the Internet. I think it is wasting of time.   B: I think you are wrong. You just look at the negative side of the there are far more positive impacts.   A: Why do you say so?   B: Simply by clicking internet button, you can get various kinds of information from the Internet. Whatever you are looking for, you will find it. Even though you want to have specific information, you can find it in a short time.   A: Could you tell me some more, please?   B: You can talk with people. I think that I could make many friends on the internet.   A: Really? It is sounds very interesting.   B: There are also some social communities on the Internet, like English Corners. I often go there to practice my oral English. Now I find that Ihave made great progress in my oral and written English because ofthe internet.   A: That's great.
      A:嗨!你好吗?   B:我很好。谢谢。今天是周末,所以很开心。   A:你周末通常干什么?我觉得周末好无聊。   B:我喜欢上网,我觉得很有趣。你也可以试一下。   A:哦,我不太喜欢上网,我觉得太浪费时间了。   B:我觉得你的看法有些问题。你只看到了消极的一面,其实网络还有很多积极的影响呢。   A:为什么这么说呢?   B:你只需轻松按一下鼠标,就可以从网上获得各种信息。无论你想找什么都可以找到。即使你要找些专业信息,也可以在很短的时间内获得。   A:还有哪些好处呢?   B:你可以跟别人聊天。我觉得我能在网上交到更多的朋友。   A:真的吗?听起来很有趣。   B:在网上也有社交活动,就像英语角一样。我经常去那里来练习我的英语口语。我发现由于互联网我的口头和书面英语已经取得了巨大的进步。   A:那太好了。