  • 终于理会会议室的英语

      常见词汇   Meeting Room 会议室
      conference n. 会议;讨论,商谈   The board of directors 董事会   board chairman 董事长   general manager 总经理   department manager 部门经理   in attendance 参加,出席会议   project n.计划,工程,项目   be equipped with 配备,装备   projector n.放映机,幻灯机,投影仪   Hi-fi system 高保真音响,音响   multifunctional projection 多媒体投影   microphone n.麦克风   web conference room 网络会议室   convenience n.方便,合宜:便利设施,方便的用具.   cost n.成本
    [图片0]   常用句子   The meeting room can hold at most 50 people.   一般会议室多能容纳50人。
      The atmosphere in the meeting room is charged with tense.   会议室里气氛紧张。
      Every department of the company can use the meeting room, but must wipe up the mess afterward.
      The members of the Accounting Department meet regularly to check on shortcomings of their work.   会计部门成员定期开会检查他们工作中的缺点。
      You need to check on the availability of the conference room for that day.   你需要去核查一下会议室当天是否可用。
      Could you reserve a single room for me in Conrad Hotel?   你能不能在港丽酒店给我预定一间单人房?
      After the two candidates went out from the meeting room, the directors began to vote for whom to be the chairman.   两位董事长候选人出了会议室后,董事们开始投票选举董事长。
      There are various conference room designs.   会议室的设计风格有很多种。
      情景会话   A:I heard that the conference is scheduled for 3:00 this afternoon. Have you made the necessary arrangement?   B: Yes, of course. I'm very careful because the board chairman and allthe directors, the general manager and all department managers will be in attendance.   A: Do you know why all of them attend?   B: They will discuss an important project, about the investment in realestate.   A: I see. By the way, I have never been to the meeting room before. Whatis it equipped with?   B: The room is well equipped .There is a projector, Hi-fi system,multifunctional projection and microphones.   A: It's much more complicated than the web conference room.   B:Yes, and I think the web conference room is more convenient.   Besides, it is cost-lower.
      A:我听说会议计划在下午三点就开始了,你都准备好了吗?   B:当然了,我准备得很认真,这次会议董事长和董事会其他成员,总经理还有所有部门经理都要参加。   A:为什么会有这么多人参加呢?   B:他们要商讨一项重要项目,有关房地产投资的。   A:我知道了,随便问一下,我还没去过会议室,里面有些什么设备?   B:里面的设备很全,有放映机、音响、多媒体投影、麦克风。   A:这比网络会议室复杂多了。   B:是啊,用网络会议室开会比一般会议室方便,而且成本低。