  • 总算知道医疗保健英语怎么说

      常见词汇   medicare n.医疗保险   Medicaid n.<美>医疗补助(制度)   health insurance健康保险   expenditure n.经费,费用,支出额;花费,消耗.   equivalent a.相等的,相当的n.等价物   infant mortality rate 婴儿死亡率   life expectancy预期寿命   health care reform医疗改革   veteran n.老兵;经验丰富的人,老手   insurer n.保险公司,承保方   universal a.普遍的;通用的;宇宙的,全世界的.   coverage n.覆盖范围,承保范围   administration n.管理;管理部门,政府   interest group利益集团   intense a.强烈的,紧张的;认真的;热情(切)的.
    [图片0]   常用句子   I want to make an appointment with Dr. Smith.   我想和史密斯医生预约看病时间。
      Opponents of health care reform held a series of rallies to protect their profits.   反对医疗保险改革的人们开一系列会议来保护他们的利益。
      President Obama finally fulfilled his promise to perform health care .   奥巴马总统终于实现了实行医疗改革的承诺。
      The government issued new health care system.   政府发布了新的医疗保健制度。
      People will benefit more from the new health care reform law.   人们将会从新的医疗保健改革法案中得益更多。
      It's urgent to solve the social problem that it's too expensive to go to hospital for the poor.   我们急切需要解决穷人看不起病的社会问题。
      A new cooperative medical care system in rural areas was launched.   农村新型合作医疗制度开始试点。
      China is trying to perfect her medical care system.   中国正在努力完善医疗保健制度。
      情景会话   A: President Obama has pushed out medical care reform.   B: Yes. During the 2008 presidential election Barack Obama had called for universal health care. In fact, many administrations devoted to achieve universal coverage of health care, such as Bill Cliton, GeorgeW. Bush and so on. But they all failedA: One of the reasons is that many interest groups, including private insurance industry and the pharmaceutical industry came out intensely against the reform.   B: USA pays twice as many, but lags behinds other wealthy countries.   There are higher infant mortality rate and lower life expectancy.   A: There are many public programs in USA. Medicare covers the elderly and disabled. Medicaid is available for some, but not all of the poor.   Children's Health Insurance Program covers low-income families.   B: That makes the government the largest health insurer in USA.   A: But many people argued that the system doesn't deliver equivalent value for the money spent.
      A:奥巴马总统已经推行了医疗改革制度。   B:是啊,他在2008年总统选举的时候就呼吁实行全面的医疗保健制度。事实上,美国很多政府都致力于实现全面医疗保险改革,例如克林顿政府、布什政府等等。但是他们都失败了。   A:失败的一个原因是,包括私人保险业和制药厂在内的很多利益集团强烈反对医疗改革。   B:美国花在医疗保健上的钱是其他富裕国家的两倍,但是还是比他们落后。在美国,婴儿死亡率更高,寿命更短。   A:美国有很多公共医疗项目。老年人和残疾人可以享受医疗保险。一些但不是所有的穷人可以享受医疗补助制度。低收入家庭的孩子可以享受儿童医疗保险。   B:这样美国政府就成了医疗承保方。   A:但是很多人认为美国医疗制度起到的作用与投入的资金不成正比。