  • 终于懂了基金用英语怎么说

      常见词汇   Fund 基金
      stock n.股票   bond n.债券   individual a.单独的,个人的;独特的 n.个人(体)。   proceeds n.收入   professional a.职业的,专业的   portfolio n.投资组合   securities n.股票,有价证券   type n.类型,种类   treasury n.国库,财政部,国债   return n.归还,返回,(收益)回报,申报   fund n.基金;储备   shareholder n.股东   capital n.资金   redemption n.赎回,救赎,赎罪,补偿   interest rate 利率
    [图片0]   常用句子   We can improve utilization benefits through consolidating fund management.   我们可以通过加强基金管理来提高使用效益。
      His job is to administer a trust fund.   他的工作是经管一项信托基金。
      Many people pool money together to set up a fund.   很多人把钱凑在一起建立一个基金会。
      His sub锝擄絻锝掞綁锝愶綌ion to a fund is given to a poor girl as her tuition.   他给一家基金会的捐款用来付一位贫穷的女孩的学费了。
      Sometimes, fund superviser is the trustee.   有时候,基金管理人就是受托人。
      It is illegal to embezzle funds.   挪用基金是违法的。
      The government will allocate fund to renovate the highway.   政府将拨款修缮公路。
      How much did you contribute to the relief fund?   你为那笔救济金捐了多少?
      The primary school is founded on an endowment fund to help children who cannot afford the school.   这所小学是用捐赠基金创办的,用来帮助那些支付不起学费的孩子。
      情景会话   A: What are stock mutual funds and bond mutual funds?   B: Stock mutual funds are funds that sell shares to individuals and invest proceeds in stocks. Bond mutual funds are funds that sell shares to individuals and invest proceeds in bonds. Both are managed by professional portfolio managers who decide what securities to purchase.   A: What types do they have?   B: They have many types, such as growth funds and treasury bond funds. You can search it on the Internet.   A: Okay. How do the shareholders gain returns?   B: Usually there are three channels. First, dividends received in the funds are distributed to shareholders. Second, proceeds received from the sale of securities are distributed to shareholders. Finally, if price received at redemption exceeds price paid, the profits will be distributed to shareholders.   A: What risks are there?   B: There are many risks, such as market conditions' susceptibility and the interest rate risk.
      A:什么是股票型共同基金和债务型基金?   B:股票型基金是指卖给个体股份并投资股票的基金。债务型基金是指卖给个体股份并投资债券的基金。二者都是在专业的投资组合管理者的管理下,决定购买什么类型的股票和证券。   A:他们有哪些类型?   B:有很多类,比如成长基金和国债专项基金。你可以上网查查。   A:好的。股东们怎么得到利益?   B:通常有三种途径。第一种,分配股息给股东。第二种,出售股票或有价证券得到的收入分配给股东。后,股票赎回的价格超过买进的价格所得的利益分配给股东。   A:有些什么风险?   B:有很多风险,比如市场的敏感性,还有利率的风险。